Le Mystère pascal
de Louis Bouyer
Collection Bibliothèque du Cerf
480 pages - févr. 2009
« Ce livre est une synthèse du christianisme, et il est plein de science (...], c'est une école de vie spirituelle puisée directement aux authentiques "sources chrétiennes" ; le mystère chrétien [ramené] à ce qu'il a de pur, de constant, d'éternel [...]. En même temps qu'il instruit, ce livre forme : il donne des idées, mais il apprend aussi comment en acquérir, il indique la voie — c'est plus qu'une méthode ! — pour lire les textes avec intelligence, les admirer, prier sur eux, vivre d'eux, parler d'eux. » Ainsi s'exprimaient l'enthousiasme et l'admiration de Dom Jean Leclercq quand paraissait, en 1946, le premier grand ouvrage de Louis Bouyer. C'est aussi un de ses plus inspirés et celui qui a eu la plus large diffusion. Le cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger déclara au sujet de ce livre : « On y perçoit le génie qui ressaisit l'essentiel de façon neuve, puisant ce qui est constitutif de la Révélation et de son expression dans la Tradition. » Comme « La Bible et l'Évangile », il appartient au nombre de ces rares ouvrages qui transmettent la fraîcheur d'une découverte, qui ont stimulé une nouvelle prise de conscience dans le peuple chrétien. On ne saurait classer avec précision ce texte qui unit érudition, profondeur théologique, élan spirituel et tension mystique. D'une part, il exprime le goût et la recherche passionnée d'une liturgie vivante, en abondant en descriptions et en précisions rituelles — bien qu'il s'agisse de cérémonies qui ont beaucoup changé depuis —, d'autre part, il offre une véritable mine de notes théologiques perçantes, par lesquelles s'exprime le trésor d'une tradition toujours à l'œuvre.
‘This book, a synthesis of Christianity, is full of science (...], a lesson in spiritual life drawn directly from the authentic “Christian Sources”, the Christian mystery [reduced] to its purest, most constant, eternal elements [...]. As it informs us, it also teaches: it provides ideas, but also shows how to find our own; it shows how – much better than a method! – to read the texts with intelligence, admiration, accompany them with prayer, live them, speak of them.’ So Dom Jean Leclercq expressed his admiration and enthusiasm when Louis Bouyer’s first important work was published in 1946. It was also one of his most inspired works, and one of the most widely distributed. Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger said of this book: ‘You can see the genius that seizes the essence in a new way, drawing the substance of the Revelation and its expression in Tradition.’ Like ‘La Bible et l'Évangile’, this is one of those rare works which transmit the freshness of a discovery, stimulating a new awareness among Christians. It would be difficult to categorize this book, which combines erudition, theological depth, spiritual force and mystical tension. On the one hand, it expresses the desire and the passionate search for living liturgy by multiplying descriptions and ritual precision – even though it deals with ceremonies that have changed a lot since it was written - and on the other, it offers a wealth of discerning theological notes. Through this treasure, an on-going tradition is expressed.
‘This book, a synthesis of Christianity, is full of science (...], a lesson in spiritual life drawn directly from the authentic “Christian Sources”, the Christian mystery [reduced] to its purest, most constant, eternal elements [...]. As it informs us, it also teaches: it provides ideas, but also shows how to find our own; it shows how – much better than a method! – to read the texts with intelligence, admiration, accompany them with prayer, live them, speak of them.’ So Dom Jean Leclercq expressed his admiration and enthusiasm when Louis Bouyer’s first important work was published in 1946. It was also one of his most inspired works, and one of the most widely distributed. Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger said of this book: ‘You can see the genius that seizes the essence in a new way, drawing the substance of the Revelation and its expression in Tradition.’ Like ‘La Bible et l'Évangile’, this is one of those rare works which transmit the freshness of a discovery, stimulating a new awareness among Christians. It would be difficult to categorize this book, which combines erudition, theological depth, spiritual force and mystical tension. On the one hand, it expresses the desire and the passionate search for living liturgy by multiplying descriptions and ritual precision – even though it deals with ceremonies that have changed a lot since it was written - and on the other, it offers a wealth of discerning theological notes. Through this treasure, an on-going tradition is expressed.
- Dimensions : 130x200x30
- ISBN : 9782204087810
- Poids : 530 grammes
Théologie et spiritualité de la prière eucharistique
de Louis Bouyer
456 pages - mars 2009
Messe de tout le monde (La)
Sans secret, ni sacré, ni ségrégation
de Jean-Noël Bezançon
176 pages - nov. 2009
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de Roland Lacroix ,Joël Molinario ,Isaia Gazzola
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