Le Rite et l'homme
de Louis Bouyer
Collection Bibliothèque du Cerf
306 pages - févr. 2009
« Le Rite et l'Homme » est le livre fondamental de la production liturgique de Louis Bouyer ; paru en 1962 dans la collection « Lex Orandi », il participe de la préparation du concile de Vatican II pour lequel Bouyer fut consulteur. L'objectif de cet ouvrage, important et original, est « d'examiner, avec les ressources de la science moderne de l'homme, ce qu'on peut appeler l'enracinement de la religion chrétienne dans l'humanité commune », de conduire à « une intelligence meilleure des rites chrétiens par les ressources conjuguées de l'histoire des religions comparée et de la psychologie des profondeurs ». C'est tout le rapport complexe de la nature avec le surnaturel qui est en jeu dans ces études : mettre sans réticence le dogme chrétien à l'épreuve des sciences historiques et des sciences humaines. Pour cela, le prêtre oratorien déploie toute son érudition, questionne les recherches et les conclusions, de Freud ou Jung, de Dumézil, Frazer ou Eliade, des théologiens ses contemporains. Alors, de façon convaincante et équilibrée, nous est révélé le fil conducteur providentiel qui relie la sacralité naturelle, l'expérience religieuse d'Israël et la nouveauté du culte chrétien. Au terme de son analyse, Bouyer montre que loin de nous conduire à une disparition du sacré, la révélation divine et l'incarnation du Verbe amènent celui-ci à une purification qui est une métamorphose radicale. Le sacré, chargé ainsi d'un sens nouveau, demeure inscrit au cœur de l'homme et de son expérience religieuse.
‘Le Rite et l'Homme’ is the core work of Louis Bouyer’s liturgical output; published in 1962 in the ‘Lex Orandi’ collection, it was employed in the preparation for the Second Vatican Council, to which Bouyer was an advisor. The objective of this important and original work is ‘to examine, drawing upon the contemporary sources of human science, what we might term the “taking root” of the Christian religion in common humanity’, leading on to ‘a greater understanding of the Christian rites through the combined resources of the history of comparative religion and analytical psychology’. In these studies, the entire, complex rapport between nature and the supernatural is the challenge: to unhesitatingly subject the Christian dogma to historical science and the humanities. To do that, the Oratorian priest employs all his erudition, questions research and conclusions, from Freud or Jung, Dumézil, Frazer or Eliade, from his contemporary theologians. Then, in a convincing and balanced manner, we are shown the providential main thread linking natural sacredness, the religious experience of Israel and the originality of the Christian religion. At the end of his analysis, Bouyer demonstrates that, far from leading us to the disappearance of the sacred, the divine revelation and the incarnation of the Word lead it to a purification which is a radical metamorphosis. The sacred, thus endowed with new meaning, remains inscribed in the heart of man and his religious experience.
‘Le Rite et l'Homme’ is the core work of Louis Bouyer’s liturgical output; published in 1962 in the ‘Lex Orandi’ collection, it was employed in the preparation for the Second Vatican Council, to which Bouyer was an advisor. The objective of this important and original work is ‘to examine, drawing upon the contemporary sources of human science, what we might term the “taking root” of the Christian religion in common humanity’, leading on to ‘a greater understanding of the Christian rites through the combined resources of the history of comparative religion and analytical psychology’. In these studies, the entire, complex rapport between nature and the supernatural is the challenge: to unhesitatingly subject the Christian dogma to historical science and the humanities. To do that, the Oratorian priest employs all his erudition, questions research and conclusions, from Freud or Jung, Dumézil, Frazer or Eliade, from his contemporary theologians. Then, in a convincing and balanced manner, we are shown the providential main thread linking natural sacredness, the religious experience of Israel and the originality of the Christian religion. At the end of his analysis, Bouyer demonstrates that, far from leading us to the disappearance of the sacred, the divine revelation and the incarnation of the Word lead it to a purification which is a radical metamorphosis. The sacred, thus endowed with new meaning, remains inscribed in the heart of man and his religious experience.
- Dimensions : 130x200x18
- ISBN : 9782204087797
- Poids : 350 grammes
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