Le Sens de la vie monastique
de Louis Bouyer
Collection Bibliothèque du Cerf
312 pages - mai 2008
C'est en 1950 que le père Louis Bouyer faisait paraître son livre « Le Sens de la vie monastique ». On mesure mal aujourd'hui combien ses intuitions étaient neuves. En effet, depuis lors, elles sont devenues, pour une large part, la pensée commune sur la vie baptismale et la vie chrétienne. Même s'il s'adressait d'abord aux moines, Louis Bouyer visait aussi les chrétiens dans le monde : « Le présent livre s'adresse d'abord aux moines. Il voudrait simplement leur montrer que leur vocation dans l'Église n'est pas, n'a jamais été, une vocation particulière. La vocation du moine, c'est et ce n'est que la vocation du baptisé. Mais c'est la vocation du baptisé parvenue, dirai-je, à son maximum d'urgence. » Dans cet ouvrage, c'est à une réflexion sur l'essence même de la vie chrétienne que se livre le père Bouyer. Et inséparablement une réflexion sur l'essence profonde de la sainteté. Avec son « Introduction à la vie spirituelle » et « Le Sens de la vie sacerdotale », l'un des grands théologiens du renouveau ecclésial du XXe siècle déploiera en une trilogie sur les trois « états de vie » (baptisé, consacré, sacerdotal) les intuitions et les thèses de ce livre initial.
It was in 1950 that Father Louis Bouyer published his book ‘Le Sens de la vie monastique’. We little realize today how innovatory his intuitions were. In fact, since then, they have become for the most part generally accepted opinion on baptismal and Christian life. Although he was primarily addressing monks, Louis Bouyer was also speaking to Christians in the world: ‘This book is first and foremost intended for the brotherhood. Its aim is simply to show them that their vocation in the Church is not, and never has been, a unique one. The vocation of brotherhood is the vocation of the baptized, no more and no less. But it is the vocation of the baptized at its most urgent.’ In this book, Father Bouyer conducts a reflection on the very essence of Christian life. At the same time, inexorably, a reflection on the deep essence of sainthood. With his ‘Introduction à la vie spirituelle’ and ‘Le Sens de la vie sacerdotale’, one of the great theologians of the ecclesial revival of the 20th century unfolds the intuitions and the theses of this initial work in a trilogy of three ‘stages of life’ (baptism, consecration, sacerdocy).
It was in 1950 that Father Louis Bouyer published his book ‘Le Sens de la vie monastique’. We little realize today how innovatory his intuitions were. In fact, since then, they have become for the most part generally accepted opinion on baptismal and Christian life. Although he was primarily addressing monks, Louis Bouyer was also speaking to Christians in the world: ‘This book is first and foremost intended for the brotherhood. Its aim is simply to show them that their vocation in the Church is not, and never has been, a unique one. The vocation of brotherhood is the vocation of the baptized, no more and no less. But it is the vocation of the baptized at its most urgent.’ In this book, Father Bouyer conducts a reflection on the very essence of Christian life. At the same time, inexorably, a reflection on the deep essence of sainthood. With his ‘Introduction à la vie spirituelle’ and ‘Le Sens de la vie sacerdotale’, one of the great theologians of the ecclesial revival of the 20th century unfolds the intuitions and the theses of this initial work in a trilogy of three ‘stages of life’ (baptism, consecration, sacerdocy).
- Dimensions : 130x200x20
- ISBN : 9782204082112
- Poids : 360 grammes
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