Philosophie et théologie au Moyen Age
Collection Philosophie & théologie
480 pages - août 2009
We present the first ‘Anthologie des relations entre la philosophie et la théologie’. Constructed in the same way as other books in the collection, its aim is to assemble the testimonies - ample and rich, yet forgotten or occasionally concealed - of a pluralistic founding vision of the history of Western ideas and practices. By including a critical and almost exhaustive selection of great texts from the birth of philosophy to our times, testimonies to a diversified but continuous correlation, it aims to clarify those themes and concepts which structure our ‘episteme’, inspire our acquisition of knowledge and shape our actions. The four tomes which make up this work represent four great historical periods whose limitations and thresholds we have presumed to define with precision. This second tome, devoted to the Middle Ages, begins with the Byzantine reception in the 14th century, the Muslim appropriation of Aristotle in the 5th century (Fârâbî) and closes with the philosophical theologians at the end of the 15th century. Consisting of twenty-four nominative and thematic notices (Johannes Scotus Eriugena, Anselme, Abelard, the Victorins, Pierre Lombard, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scot, Ockham, Dante, Petrarch, Gerson, d'Ailly, Nicolas de Cues... the Muslim ‘kalam’, theology/science, the exegesis/theology relation, political philosophy, the humanism/theology opposition...), arranged in strict chronological order, it restores the fundamental corpus, a testimony of the theorisations but also the institutional practices within a relation which, through its very complexity, opened modern and contemporary avenues of thought.
- Dimensions : 135x210x35
- ISBN : 9782204088619
- Poids : 640 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Bernd Goebel, Carmelo Giuseppe Conticello, Dominique Poirel, Gilbert Dahan, Ide Fouche, Jean-Baptiste Brenet, John Marenbon, Luca Bianchi, Luisa Valente, Olivier Boulnois, Philippe Capelle-Dumont, Philippe Nouzille, Rémi Brague, Ruedi Imbach, Stephen F. Brown, Vasconcelos Kontouma-Conticello
Logique, raison, foi et liberté
200 pages - avril 2017
Métamorphose de la finitude
Essai philosophique sur la naissance et la résurrection
d' Emmanuel Falque
256 pages - sept. 2004