L'Humain et la personne
Collection L'Histoire à vif
432 pages - avril 2009
Given the great scientific progress of recent times, what importance do philosophical considerations of lasting things still retain? If we establish a borderline incorrectly, we create turbulence that does no good to anyone. To place the borderline in the correct position is an art that comes under the category of science, debate, observation of reality, conviction; in short, of prudence as Aristotle used the word. Over the last fifty years, questions linked to our definition of the human being and his rights in absolute and concrete situations have proliferated. Their frequency has increased with scientific progress: debates on abortion, stem cells, transplantations, in vitro fertilization, genetic engineering, euthanasia, assisted suicide, futile medical care... But urgency is a poor advisor. Ethical commissions give useful, desirable advice, but it is still only advice. So what are we to do? We find ourselves back at square one: the question of our society’s foundations. Appealing to higher judgement is no longer seen as criteria for decision. Only an educated debate can produce a decision acceptable to the majority and capable of being applied by the political and judicial authorities. [Pascal Couchepin, excerpt from the preface]. Human dignity may indeed be self-evident; yet difficulties arise as soon as we have to thematize its signification and give a precise definition. This book - the fruit of a close collaboration among twenty academics from all over Europe (doctors, biologists, philosophers, etc.) over a two-year period – has an ambitious objective: to take a step ahead in the ethical debate which questions our societies. For we must accept the obvious truth: all our moral options are based on our conception of man.
- Dimensions : 135x215x30
- ISBN : 9782204087223
- Poids : 540 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Ada Neschke-Hentschke, Bernard N. Schumacher, Berthold Wald, Emmanuel Housset, François-Xavier Putallaz, Georges M. Martin Cottier, Gilles Emery, Günter Rager, Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz, Jacques Ricot, Jean-Claude Wolf, Jean-François Mattéi, Laurence Renault, Pascal Couchepin, Pascal Ide, Philippe Bénéton, Philippe Cormier, Robert Spaemann, Roberta De Monticelli, Theo Kobusch, Thierry Collaud