La Vie, la médecine et la sagesse
d' Claude Larre , Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée
Collection Patrimoines - Orient
408 pages - mai 2005
Les traités de Su Wen font encore aujourd'hui autorité dans la pratique de la médecine chinoise. Sont présentés dans cet ouvrage les onze premiers chapitres, qui forment trois volumes du Classique dans lequel l'Empereur Jaune pose les questions fondamentales sur l'art de vivre et de soigner. Pour la première fois, une maquette intérieure, alliant harmonieusement idéogrammes, transcription pinyin, traduction et commentaires, offre un précieux confort de lecture. L'ouvrage est augmenté d'un glossaire définissant notions et grands concepts. L'Institut Ricci et l'École européenne d'acupuncture livrent ici le fruit de quinze années de travail, un ouvrage sûr et sérieux, accessible à tout lecteur curieux de la pensée chinoise.
Su wen treatises are still respected in Chinese medical practice today. This book presents the first eleven chapters, which form three volumes of the Classic in which the Yellow Emperor sets down the fundamental principles on the art of living and staying healthy. For the first time, a harmonious page layout combines ideograms, Pinyin transcriptions, translation and commentaries, making the book a pleasure to read. A glossary defining elementary concepts and major principles is a valuable aid. In this book, the Ricci Institute and the European School of Acupuncture present the fruit of fifteen years’ research: a reliable and serious work accessible to all readers who are interested in Chinese thinking.
Su wen treatises are still respected in Chinese medical practice today. This book presents the first eleven chapters, which form three volumes of the Classic in which the Yellow Emperor sets down the fundamental principles on the art of living and staying healthy. For the first time, a harmonious page layout combines ideograms, Pinyin transcriptions, translation and commentaries, making the book a pleasure to read. A glossary defining elementary concepts and major principles is a valuable aid. In this book, the Ricci Institute and the European School of Acupuncture present the fruit of fifteen years’ research: a reliable and serious work accessible to all readers who are interested in Chinese thinking.
- Dimensions : 170x240x28
- ISBN : 9782204078894
- Poids : 700 grammes
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