Chantre de la Lumière (Le)
Collection Théologies
416 pages - nov. 2006
« Le livre du père Hilarion (Alfeyev), consacré à saint Grégoire de Nazianze, [...] est d'un apport exceptionnel non seulement à notre connaissance théologique d'un des plus grands évêques de l'Église orthodoxe, mais également à la découverte de sa personnalité. Très souvent, les traités consacrés aux grands théologiens laissent dans l'ombre leur croissance spirituelle "de gloire en gloire" et le lecteur a l'impression fausse que le saint s'est élevé dans les hauteurs de la connaissance divine sur des ailes puissantes sans jamais rencontrer d'obstacles. En réalité, aucun Père de l'Église n'a eu de cheminement facile : enracinés dans les questions de leur siècle, liés par des traits particuliers de leur âme et de leur intelligence, ils étaient en grande partie tributaires des rencontres que la grâce divine leur accordait et recherchaient la Vérité dans l'obscurité de la pensée philosophique de leur temps. Ils ne trouvaient pas immédiatement les réponses aux questions engendrées par leurs propres émotions profondes et qui se posaient non seulement à l'intérieur de la communauté chrétienne, mais également au-dehors. Le livre du père Hilarion nous dresse avec clarté le chemin intérieur de saint Grégoire et l'acquisition progressive de la vision de la Vérité. » (Antoine Bloom, métropolite de Souroge). Bien plus qu'à la rencontre d'un saint, d'un théologien ou d'un mystique, c'est à la rencontre d'un homme qui peut encore nous toucher que nous convie Hilarion Alfeyev. Ainsi mise au principe de son ouvrage, cette vie qui n'eut rien de facile, mais qui se livra passionnément au monde, à l'Église et à Dieu, permet aux concepts de prendre pleinement sens, et jette sur son action historique, sa théologie et sa haute spiritualité une lumière nouvelle : celle de la fraternité.
‘The book by Father Hilarion (Alfeyev), devoted to Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, […] is an outstanding contribution not only to our theological knowledge of one of the greatest bishops of the Orthodox Church, but also to our understanding of the man’s personality. Very often, treatises devoted to the great theologians neglect their spiritual development ‘from glory to glory’, and the reader is left with the false impression that the saint ascended to the heights of divine knowledge on powerful wings, without encountering any obstacles. In reality, the path was never easy for any Father of the Church. Entangled in the questions of their times, bound by their spiritual and intellectual idiosyncrasies, they were largely dependant on those encounters Divine Grace placed in their path, and sought the Truth in the obscurity of the philosophical thinking of their times. The answers were not immediately forthcoming to those questions, born of their own deep emotions, posed both within and outwith the Christian community. Father Hilarion’s book clearly sets out Saint Gregory’s inner journey and gradual acquiring of the vision of Truth.’ (Antoine Bloom, Metropolitan of Souroge). Hilarion Alfeyev is inviting us not only to make the acquaintance of a saint, theologian and mystic, but to get to know a man who is still capable of touching our hearts. Gregory’s life - which was not easy but passionately devoted to the world, the Church and God – was itself the principle of his work, allowing concepts to take on all their meaning and bathing his historical acts, theology and great spirituality in a new light: that of fraternity.
‘The book by Father Hilarion (Alfeyev), devoted to Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, […] is an outstanding contribution not only to our theological knowledge of one of the greatest bishops of the Orthodox Church, but also to our understanding of the man’s personality. Very often, treatises devoted to the great theologians neglect their spiritual development ‘from glory to glory’, and the reader is left with the false impression that the saint ascended to the heights of divine knowledge on powerful wings, without encountering any obstacles. In reality, the path was never easy for any Father of the Church. Entangled in the questions of their times, bound by their spiritual and intellectual idiosyncrasies, they were largely dependant on those encounters Divine Grace placed in their path, and sought the Truth in the obscurity of the philosophical thinking of their times. The answers were not immediately forthcoming to those questions, born of their own deep emotions, posed both within and outwith the Christian community. Father Hilarion’s book clearly sets out Saint Gregory’s inner journey and gradual acquiring of the vision of Truth.’ (Antoine Bloom, Metropolitan of Souroge). Hilarion Alfeyev is inviting us not only to make the acquaintance of a saint, theologian and mystic, but to get to know a man who is still capable of touching our hearts. Gregory’s life - which was not easy but passionately devoted to the world, the Church and God – was itself the principle of his work, allowing concepts to take on all their meaning and bathing his historical acts, theology and great spirituality in a new light: that of fraternity.
- Dimensions : 145x235x30
- ISBN : 9782204080316
- Poids : 635 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Alexandre Siniakov, Antoine Bloom
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