Le Sourire
Collection Cerf Littérature
96 pages - avril 2009
Violaine et José s'aiment. Ils se sont rencontrés dans la pharmacie de Labastidette, et bientôt on célèbre leurs noces. José, qui n'a pas connu son père, veut des enfants. Un petit garçon naît, Gilles, atteint de la maladie de Hurler, une affection génétique incurable. Peut-on raconter cette histoire ? « Combien de mots, lesquels et comment, pour dire ce que le monde ne veut pas entendre ? Le sourire, c'est le mot que j'ai choisi. » Le petit garçon sur qui les fées ne se sont pas penchées, aimé envers et contre tout dans la maison que son père a bâtie, offre à sa mère son premier sourire. « Avez-vous vu son sourire ? Il est passé si vite. » Celui à qui la société des hommes refuse toute humanité, l'enfant sans devenir, l'erreur de la nature, le chaos génétique, donne son sourire à qui veut le voir. « Le Sourire » n'est ni un témoignage ni un manifeste, mais un conte pour aujourd'hui qui commencerait là où finissent les contes d'autrefois, par un beau mariage. Contre les mirages de la perfection, l'obsession des apparences, les limites de la raison, ce roman met en question notre définition de l'humain.
Violaine and José love each other. They first met in the chemist shop in Labastidette, and now they are soon to be married. José, who never knew his father, would like to have children. A baby boy is born, Gilles, afflicted with Hurler syndrome, an incurable genetic disorder. Can their story be told? ‘How many words, which words, and how, can we use to tell the world what it doesn’t want to hear? The Smile, that’s the word I chose.’ The little boy the fairies forgot to bless, loved in spite of everything in that home his father built, gives his mother the gift of his first smile. ‘Did you see his smile? It came and went so fast.’ The child without a future, to whom society refuses all humanity, the error of nature, a genetic chaos, gives his smile to anyone who wants to look. ‘Le Sourire’ is not a testimony or a manifesto, just a tale for today starting where tales used to end, with a happy marriage. Against all illusions of perfection, the obsession of appearances, the limits of reason, this novel calls into question our definition of humanity.
Violaine and José love each other. They first met in the chemist shop in Labastidette, and now they are soon to be married. José, who never knew his father, would like to have children. A baby boy is born, Gilles, afflicted with Hurler syndrome, an incurable genetic disorder. Can their story be told? ‘How many words, which words, and how, can we use to tell the world what it doesn’t want to hear? The Smile, that’s the word I chose.’ The little boy the fairies forgot to bless, loved in spite of everything in that home his father built, gives his mother the gift of his first smile. ‘Did you see his smile? It came and went so fast.’ The child without a future, to whom society refuses all humanity, the error of nature, a genetic chaos, gives his smile to anyone who wants to look. ‘Le Sourire’ is not a testimony or a manifesto, just a tale for today starting where tales used to end, with a happy marriage. Against all illusions of perfection, the obsession of appearances, the limits of reason, this novel calls into question our definition of humanity.
- Dimensions : 135x215x8
- ISBN : 9782204088572
- Poids : 150 grammes