Sur ses pas
Collection Trésors du Christianisme
108 pages - févr. 2013
C’est d’une rencontre qu’est né « Sur ses pas ». Un de mes amis, premier lecteur de ce texte, a rencontré Jésus-Christ « comme on rencontre un autre homme. Un jour, au détour d’une rue, dans un sentier solitaire : on s’arrête ; on écoute et une voix nous dit dans la conscience : voilà Jésus-Christ » (Lacordaire). La vie l’avait comblé et éprouvé à la fois. La question — parfois la seule — était de savoir comment accorder une vie d’homme à cette rencontre, comment faire, dans l’Esprit et la vie quotidienne, ce passage par la mort vers la résurrection auquel nous sommes tous conviés. Les paragraphes de ce livre traitent donc, au gré des circonstances, d’un itinéraire spirituel. Entre eux, ils entretiennent des liens ténus, comme ceux que la vie ménage entre les événements. Ils ne sont pas faits pour être lus tout d’une traite. Je serais heureux si le lecteur rencontrait, fut-ce au hasard, une parole amicale pour sa route. [Jean-René Bouchet]
It’s about a meeting that took place ‘In his footsteps’. One of my friends, the first reader of this text, met Jesus-Christ ‘just as you meet another man. One day, at a bend on a lonely path: you stop; you listen; and a voice says to you, in your conscience: this is Jesus-Christ.’ (Lacordaire). Life had lavished both blessings and ordeals on him. The question — sometimes the only one — was to know how to adjust to that meeting, what to do, in the Spirit and in daily life, about this passage through death to resurrection to which we are all summoned. The paragraphs of this book treat, according to the circumstances, a spiritual journey. There are links woven between them just as life weaves links between events. They are not written to be read one page after the other in one fell swoop. I would be happy if readers encountered, even by chance, a friendly word on their way. [Jean-René Bouchet]
It’s about a meeting that took place ‘In his footsteps’. One of my friends, the first reader of this text, met Jesus-Christ ‘just as you meet another man. One day, at a bend on a lonely path: you stop; you listen; and a voice says to you, in your conscience: this is Jesus-Christ.’ (Lacordaire). Life had lavished both blessings and ordeals on him. The question — sometimes the only one — was to know how to adjust to that meeting, what to do, in the Spirit and in daily life, about this passage through death to resurrection to which we are all summoned. The paragraphs of this book treat, according to the circumstances, a spiritual journey. There are links woven between them just as life weaves links between events. They are not written to be read one page after the other in one fell swoop. I would be happy if readers encountered, even by chance, a friendly word on their way. [Jean-René Bouchet]
- Dimensions : 135x195x8
- ISBN : 9782204100519
- Poids : 125 grammes
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