À mes frères dominicains
Collection Épiphanie
192 pages - janv. 2013
Le dominicain Jean-René Bouchet (1936-1987) a fortement marqué plusieurs générations de chrétiens par sa personnalité chaleureuse et sa profonde compréhension de la tradition des différentes Églises chrétiennes. Patrologue et grand connaisseur de l’histoire de l’ordre dominicain, il a été maître des novices à Toulouse, prieur au couvent de Strasbourg, puis prieur provincial de la Province de France des Dominicains. Il a également été rédacteur en chef de « La Vie spirituelle » de 1978 à 1987. Par sa prédication si spécifique, par son enseignement, ses écrits et ses responsabilités, il a contribué au renouveau des vocations dominicaines au tournant des années 1970 et 1980. À l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de sa mort, et en vue du 8e centenaire de la fondation de l’ordre des Prêcheurs, il a semblé opportun d’offrir au lecteur d’aujourd’hui ses éditoriaux parus entre 1979 et 1987 dans le bulletin de la Province de France « Ut sint unum », ainsi que certaines de ses homélies. On y retrouve le ton incisif ainsi que l’humanité affectueuse qui ont fait le succès de « Si tu cherches Dieu », publié en 1982 et sans cesse réimprimé. Ces écrits et prédications, adressés « à ses frères dominicains », toucheront profondément ceux qui désirent que leur marche à la suite du Christ s’enracine dans le plus simple et le plus beau de l’Évangile et de la grande tradition chrétienne.
With his warm personality and his deep understanding of the tradition of different Christian Churches, Dominican Jean-René Bouchet (1936-1987) strongly influenced several generations of Christians. Patrologist and great connoisseur of the history of the Dominican Order, he was Novice Master in Toulouse, Prior at the convent in Strasbourg, then Prior Provincial of the Province of France. He was also editor-in-chief of ‘La Vie spirituelle’ from 1978 to 1987. His very personal preaching, his teaching and writings, as well as the responsibilities he assumed contributed to the revival of Dominican vocations in the 1970s and the 1980s. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his death, with the 8th centenary of the foundation of the Order of Preachers in view, it seemed appropriate to offer the modern reader his editorials penned between 1979 and 1987 in the Province de France publication ‘Ut sint unum’ as well as a selection of his sermons. They will find the distinct incisive tone and the warm humanity that made Si tu cherches Dieu such a success (published in 1982 and constantly reprinted). His writings and sermons, addressed to ‘his Dominican brothers’, will deeply touch those who wish their life at Christ’s side to be rooted in the simplest and most beautiful parts of the Gospel and the great Christian tradition.
With his warm personality and his deep understanding of the tradition of different Christian Churches, Dominican Jean-René Bouchet (1936-1987) strongly influenced several generations of Christians. Patrologist and great connoisseur of the history of the Dominican Order, he was Novice Master in Toulouse, Prior at the convent in Strasbourg, then Prior Provincial of the Province of France. He was also editor-in-chief of ‘La Vie spirituelle’ from 1978 to 1987. His very personal preaching, his teaching and writings, as well as the responsibilities he assumed contributed to the revival of Dominican vocations in the 1970s and the 1980s. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his death, with the 8th centenary of the foundation of the Order of Preachers in view, it seemed appropriate to offer the modern reader his editorials penned between 1979 and 1987 in the Province de France publication ‘Ut sint unum’ as well as a selection of his sermons. They will find the distinct incisive tone and the warm humanity that made Si tu cherches Dieu such a success (published in 1982 and constantly reprinted). His writings and sermons, addressed to ‘his Dominican brothers’, will deeply touch those who wish their life at Christ’s side to be rooted in the simplest and most beautiful parts of the Gospel and the great Christian tradition.
- Dimensions : 135x195x15
- ISBN : 9782204095259
- Poids : 240 grammes
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