Guerre de la Vendée et le système de dépopulation (La)
Collection L'Histoire à vif
240 pages - nov. 2008
En 1795, dans un ouvrage publié à l'occasion du procès de Jean-Baptiste Carrier, l'auteur des noyades de Nantes, Gracchus Babeuf, père du communisme, l'une des grandes figures de la Révolution française, soulevait la question de fond de la nature de la répression perpétrée par la Convention en Vendée. Ce livre doublement, révolutionnaire par son contenu et son titre « Du système de dépopulation », se présente comme un réquisitoire très bien documenté, et d'une incroyable modernité, contre la politique dictatoriale menée par les Conventionnels et Robespierre en France, en 1793 et 1794, politique qui devait conduire, entre autres, à l'anéantissement et à l'extermination des Vendéens, Bleus et Blancs confondus, et de préférence des femmes des enfants. La nouvelle édition de ce texte est l'occasion pour Reynald Secher de reprendre, à travers une synthèse d'une clarté remarquable et à l'aide de nombreux documents inédits, la genèse des évènements en Vendée et de définir un quatrième crime de génocide : le « mémoricide » ; pour Jean-Joël Brégeon, de présenter la personnalité de Gracchus Babeuf ; et, pour Stéphane Courtois, d'établir la filiation entre l'idéologie de Robespierre et celle de Lénine et des leaders communistes.
In 1795, in a book published on the occasion of the trial of Jean-Baptiste Carrier - the man responsible for the drownings at Nantes - Gracchus Babeuf, father of communism and one of the major figures of the French Revolution, raised the fundamental question of the nature of the repression perpetrated by the National Convention in Vendée. This book, doubly revolutionary in its contents and its title, ‘Du système de dépopulation’, is presented in the form of a well-documented and incredibly modern indictment against the dictatorial policy led by the National Convention and Robespierre in France, in 1793 and 1794; a policy that was to lead, among other things, to the destruction and the extermination of the Vendean people, ‘Blues’ and ‘Whites’ alike, but preferably women and children. The new edition of this text offered an occasion for Reynald Secher to re-examine, in a remarkably clear synthesis with many previously unpublished documents, the genesis of the events in Vendée, and to define a fourth crime that might be qualified as a kind of genocide: the destruction of memory. For Jean-Joël Brégeon, it was an opportunity to present the personality of Gracchus Babeuf, and for Stéphane Courtois, to establish the filial relation between Robespierre’s ideology and that of Lenin and the communist leaders.
In 1795, in a book published on the occasion of the trial of Jean-Baptiste Carrier - the man responsible for the drownings at Nantes - Gracchus Babeuf, father of communism and one of the major figures of the French Revolution, raised the fundamental question of the nature of the repression perpetrated by the National Convention in Vendée. This book, doubly revolutionary in its contents and its title, ‘Du système de dépopulation’, is presented in the form of a well-documented and incredibly modern indictment against the dictatorial policy led by the National Convention and Robespierre in France, in 1793 and 1794; a policy that was to lead, among other things, to the destruction and the extermination of the Vendean people, ‘Blues’ and ‘Whites’ alike, but preferably women and children. The new edition of this text offered an occasion for Reynald Secher to re-examine, in a remarkably clear synthesis with many previously unpublished documents, the genesis of the events in Vendée, and to define a fourth crime that might be qualified as a kind of genocide: the destruction of memory. For Jean-Joël Brégeon, it was an opportunity to present the personality of Gracchus Babeuf, and for Stéphane Courtois, to establish the filial relation between Robespierre’s ideology and that of Lenin and the communist leaders.
- Dimensions : 135x215x18
- ISBN : 9782204087322
- Poids : 360 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Jean-Joël Brégeon, Reynald Secher, Stéphane Courtois