Marie, la vivante
Collection Épiphanie
320 pages - nov. 2008
Initialement appelée « Avec Marie » cette retraite a été prêchée plusieurs fois par Pierre Claverie, en particulier en 1988, c'est-à-dire durant l'année mariale (7 juin 1987 - 15 août 1988) initiée par le pape Jean-Paul II, qui avait publié auparavant, le 25 mars 1987, son encyclique « Redemptoris Mater » (« La mère du Rédempteur »). Cette retraite présente Marie dans différentes traditions spirituelles (le judaïsme, le christianisme et l'islam). Marie représente à la fois l'attente du Messie et la présence de Dieu auprès des hommes. Comme mère, elle porte son enfant qui est, pour les uns, un grand prophète et, pour les autres, le Fils de Dieu. Elle porte la parole de Dieu faite chair. Marie est aussi notre mère dans la foi : elle nous conduit à son fils ; elle nous apprend à approfondir notre relation à Dieu ; elle nous accompagne dans notre vie de croyants par sa prière ; elle est surtout notre modèle puisque, comme elle, nous sommes appelés à donner chair à la parole de Dieu et à porter cette parole à ceux que nous rencontrons, plus encore, à la recevoir d'eux. Laisser Dieu être en nous, nous habiter, telle est la plus belle vocation humaine. Le parcours qu'offre Pierre Claverie – dans la veine de la retraite sur l'Eucharistie publiée, en 2003, aux Éditions du Cerf sous le titre « Donner sa vie » – est particulièrement stimulant : méditer sur Marie et le Christ, Marie et l'Église, Marie et la prière, Marie et la mission, c'est toujours méditer sur Marie et la vie, Marie la vivante.
Originally entitled ‘Avec Marie’, this retreat was preached several times by Pierre Claverie, especially in 1988, during the Marian year (7 June 1987 - 15 August 1988) initiated by Pope John-Paul II, who had previously published, on March 25, 1987, his encyclical ‘Redemptoris Mater’ (Mother of the Redeemer). In this retreat, Mary is presented according to different spiritual traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). Mary represents both the expectation of the Messiah and the presence of God among men. As a mother, she bears a child who is, for some, a great prophet; and for others, the Son of God. The baby she bears is the Word of God made flesh. Mary is also our mother in faith: she leads us to her son; she teaches us to deepen our relationship with God; she accompanies us in our lives as believers through her prayers. But above all she is our model because, like her, we are called upon to give flesh to God’s Word and carry it to all those we meet, and even more importantly, to receive it from them. Humanity’s finest vocation is to allow God to enter in, to live within our lives. The programme proposed by Pierre Claverie – in the same vein as the retreat on the Eucharist published in 2003 by Éditions du Cerf under the title ‘Donner sa vie’ – is a particularly stimulating: meditation on Mary and the Christ, Mary and the Church, Mary and prayer, Mary and our mission… always means mediation on Mary and our lives, the living Mary.
Originally entitled ‘Avec Marie’, this retreat was preached several times by Pierre Claverie, especially in 1988, during the Marian year (7 June 1987 - 15 August 1988) initiated by Pope John-Paul II, who had previously published, on March 25, 1987, his encyclical ‘Redemptoris Mater’ (Mother of the Redeemer). In this retreat, Mary is presented according to different spiritual traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). Mary represents both the expectation of the Messiah and the presence of God among men. As a mother, she bears a child who is, for some, a great prophet; and for others, the Son of God. The baby she bears is the Word of God made flesh. Mary is also our mother in faith: she leads us to her son; she teaches us to deepen our relationship with God; she accompanies us in our lives as believers through her prayers. But above all she is our model because, like her, we are called upon to give flesh to God’s Word and carry it to all those we meet, and even more importantly, to receive it from them. Humanity’s finest vocation is to allow God to enter in, to live within our lives. The programme proposed by Pierre Claverie – in the same vein as the retreat on the Eucharist published in 2003 by Éditions du Cerf under the title ‘Donner sa vie’ – is a particularly stimulating: meditation on Mary and the Christ, Mary and the Church, Mary and prayer, Mary and our mission… always means mediation on Mary and our lives, the living Mary.
- Dimensions : 135x195x22
- ISBN : 9782204083249
- Poids : 390 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Anne-Catherine Meyer
Cap sur Panama, avec l'équipage des JMJ à la voile
d' Alix Fernet-Scherer ,Aldric Vercken de Vreuschmen
264 pages - mars 2020