Petit traité de la rencontre et du dialogue
Collection Épiphanie
176 pages - nov. 2004
La rencontre et le dialogue ont profondément marqué la personnalité et l'existence de Pierre Claverie, évêque d'Oran, assassiné en 1996 : il a œuvré sans cesse pour mettre en relation les personnes les plus diverses et il s'est lui-même beaucoup investi dans la découverte des autres. Les remarques simples et pleines de bon sens qu'il nous offre dans cet ouvrage permettent de réfléchir aux divers facteurs qui conduisent aux succès ou aux échecs des relations. Ainsi, après avoir évoqué les figures d'Abraham, de Moise et de Marie dans le christianisme et l'islam, il médite sur un certain nombre de rencontres, réussies ou non, de Jésus, ainsi que sur ses rapports avec les autres et avec le Père. L'auteur considère le texte des Béatitudes comme la loi de la rencontre, dont la foi, la prière, la vie ecclésiale et la vie religieuse sont comme autant de mises en œuvre pratiques. Pour lui, la différence de l'approche de Dieu dans les traditions musulmane et chrétienne révèle leurs richesses respectives (de nombreux textes de mystiques musulmans sont cités) mais aussi l'originalité du christianisme, le caractère à la fois extraordinaire et scandaleux du message chrétien. Cette retraite, prêchée une douzaine de fois entre 1985 et 1995 à des publics différents, est une invitation chaleureuse à faire le point sur nos manières d'être avec Dieu et avec les autres, car la rencontre et le dialogue sont pour nous des défis permanents dans nos communautés humaines : vie familiale, vie professionnelle, vie religieuse, vie ecclésiale... Elle se situe dans la continuité de la retraite sur l'Eucharistie publiée, en 2003, aux Éditions du Cerf, sous le titre « Donner sa vie ».
Contact and dialogue profoundly characterised the life and personality of Pierre Claverie, Bishop of Oran, who was murdered in 1996. He constantly worked to bring the most diverse characters into contact with each other, and, at a more personal level, strived to increase his own knowledge and understanding of others. The simple, down to earth observations he offers in this book lead us to reflect on the different factors that make for successful or unsuccessful relations. After discussing the figures of Abraham, Moses, and Mary in Christianity and in Islam, he meditates on a certain number of Jesus’s encounters - successful or otherwise - and on his own relations with others and with the Father. Pierre Claverie considers that the Beatitudes form the rules that govern our encounters with others; and faith, prayer, ecclesial and religious life as so many practical applications. To him, it seems that the difference between the approaches to God in Muslim and Christian traditions reveals their respective richness (many texts from Muslim mystics are quoted) as well as the originality of Christianity, and the character - extraordinary and scandalous - of the Christian message. This retreat, preached a dozen times between 1985 and 1995 to very different audiences, is a warm invitation to take stock of our relations with God and others. Encountering the other and establishing a dialogue are permanent challenges in human communities: in family and professional life, in religious and ecclesial life… This book is a development of the retreat on the Eucharist published in 2003 by Editions du Cerf, under the title ‘Donner sa vie’.
Contact and dialogue profoundly characterised the life and personality of Pierre Claverie, Bishop of Oran, who was murdered in 1996. He constantly worked to bring the most diverse characters into contact with each other, and, at a more personal level, strived to increase his own knowledge and understanding of others. The simple, down to earth observations he offers in this book lead us to reflect on the different factors that make for successful or unsuccessful relations. After discussing the figures of Abraham, Moses, and Mary in Christianity and in Islam, he meditates on a certain number of Jesus’s encounters - successful or otherwise - and on his own relations with others and with the Father. Pierre Claverie considers that the Beatitudes form the rules that govern our encounters with others; and faith, prayer, ecclesial and religious life as so many practical applications. To him, it seems that the difference between the approaches to God in Muslim and Christian traditions reveals their respective richness (many texts from Muslim mystics are quoted) as well as the originality of Christianity, and the character - extraordinary and scandalous - of the Christian message. This retreat, preached a dozen times between 1985 and 1995 to very different audiences, is a warm invitation to take stock of our relations with God and others. Encountering the other and establishing a dialogue are permanent challenges in human communities: in family and professional life, in religious and ecclesial life… This book is a development of the retreat on the Eucharist published in 2003 by Editions du Cerf, under the title ‘Donner sa vie’.
- Dimensions : 135x195x14
- ISBN : 9782204076517
- Poids : 220 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Anne-Catherine Meyer