La Joie de la fidelité
Collection Orthodoxie
432 pages - août 2009
« La civilisation occidentale fondée sur l'humanisme sécularisé a besoin avant tout d'un renouveau spirituel. [Après l'humanisme des philosophes,] il nous reste à redécouvrir l'humanisme des saints. Car il ne suffit pas d'avoir de belles idées, il nous faut aussi la force spirituelle de vivre en tant qu'êtres créés à l'image de Dieu. » Le Patriarche Daniel (Ciobotea) de Roumanie est une des grandes figures du renouveau spirituel en Europe orientale. Né en 1951 à Dobresti en Roumanie, élève du grand théologien Dumitru Staniloae, il soutient sa thèse de théologie à Strasbourg en 1979 et devient moine en 1987. Le 12 septembre 2007, il est élu primat d'une des Églises les plus dynamiques qui soient. Tout au long de ce premier livre publié en France, il expose dans un style très accessible sa vision de l'orthodoxie comme chemin de sagesse et de sainteté : l'homme créé à l'image de Dieu, l'Église comme mystère de communion, les tâches de la théologie, la place de l'orthodoxie en Europe, l'avenir de l'œcuménisme... En ouverture de l'ouvrage, dans un long entretien en français — mené par le P. Hyacinthe Destivelle —, le Patriarche Daniel de Roumanie livre son expérience personnelle de croyant et d'évêque, témoin de la renaissance exceptionnelle de son Église après les épreuves de la persécution.
‘The Western civilisation, founded on secularised humanism, requires spiritual revival above all. After the humanism of the philosophers, we have yet to rediscover the humanism of the saints. Because fine ideas are not enough; we also need the spiritual force to live as creatures made in God’s image.’ Patriarch Daniel (Ciobotea) of Rumania is one of the great figures of this spiritual revival in Eastern Europe. Born in 1951 in Dobresti in Rumania, pupil of the great theologian Dumitru Staniloae, he defended his thesis in theology in Strasbourg in 1979, and became a monk in 1987. On September 12, 2007, he was elected leader of one of the most dynamic churches in the world. In this first book published in France, written in an accessible style, he reveals his vision of Orthodoxy as a path to wisdom and piety: man created in God’s image, the Church as a mystery of communion, the challenges of theology, the rightful place of Orthodoxy in Europe, the future of ecumenism... A long interview opens this book, conducted by Father Hyacinthe Destivelle in French: the Patriarch Daniel of Rumania tells his personal experience as a believer, a bishop, and witness to the exceptional renaissance of his Church after the ordeals of persecution.
‘The Western civilisation, founded on secularised humanism, requires spiritual revival above all. After the humanism of the philosophers, we have yet to rediscover the humanism of the saints. Because fine ideas are not enough; we also need the spiritual force to live as creatures made in God’s image.’ Patriarch Daniel (Ciobotea) of Rumania is one of the great figures of this spiritual revival in Eastern Europe. Born in 1951 in Dobresti in Rumania, pupil of the great theologian Dumitru Staniloae, he defended his thesis in theology in Strasbourg in 1979, and became a monk in 1987. On September 12, 2007, he was elected leader of one of the most dynamic churches in the world. In this first book published in France, written in an accessible style, he reveals his vision of Orthodoxy as a path to wisdom and piety: man created in God’s image, the Church as a mystery of communion, the challenges of theology, the rightful place of Orthodoxy in Europe, the future of ecumenism... A long interview opens this book, conducted by Father Hyacinthe Destivelle in French: the Patriarch Daniel of Rumania tells his personal experience as a believer, a bishop, and witness to the exceptional renaissance of his Church after the ordeals of persecution.
- Dimensions : 145x215x30
- ISBN : 9782204087667
- Poids : 550 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Hyacinthe Destivelle
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