Bible, première rencontre (La)
Collection Biblia magazine
84 pages - juin 2012
‘To open the Bible is to encounter someone – a conviction shared by both Jews and Christians. This encounter is with the Word of God, enclosed but not sealed within the book, and perceptible through the hundreds of personages who, by means of their words, bequeath to the reader the treasure of their existence, this mysterious presence of a God Who is ever near. For Christians, Jesus is this word, Word made flesh. The Bible is neither a catechism nor a dogmatic treatise, but a shared experience. It creates neither clones nor obedient little soldiers, but teaches freedom to the children of God. Its way of responding to questions concerning all human existence is to fortify its readers by making them drink at the source of the waters of life, and by letting them undergo the ordeal, if ordeal there must be. The Bible satisfies human hearts. Of course the reading experience requires a certain effort, the Bible being as dense as a forest, juxtaposing books of highly contrasting literary genres and employing three languages which are nowadays obsolete... Its concept of history is not ours: the period discussed is sometimes distant from the narrator’s by several centuries… This host of good reasons for losing one’s way suggests that we should seek the help of a guide. With the latter, trekking through the Good Book can become a pleasure...’ [Anne Soupa]
- Dimensions : 165x245x5
- ISBN : 9782204098618
- Poids : 200 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Christoph Theobald, Claire Clivaz, Enzo Bianchi, Françoise Jeanlin, Gilbert Dahan, Gilles-Hervé Masson, Grégoire Aslanoff, Jean Prignaud, Olivier Pradel, Paula Minet