Collection Les Cahiers d'Histoire de la Philos
288 pages - sept. 2008
Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) is the founder of one of the major philosophical movements of the 20th century: phenomenology. An important part of contemporary philosophy, from Heidegger to Levinas and phenomenology in France today, descends directly from his thinking, constantly restudied and commented. Today, the influence of his work reaches far beyond the philosophical movement it initiated. In recent years, the new departure of the idea of a philosophy of the spirit has once again placed the Austro-German philosopher’s investigations at the heart of the most contemporary issues, while unveiling aspects until then ignored. The studies assembled here give readers an idea of the resources available to philosophers of all horizons in the thoughts of an author who increasingly appears to be one of the most fundamental of our times.
- Dimensions : 135x195x20
- ISBN : 9782204085939
- Poids : 350 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Dan Zahavi, Françoise Dastur, Jean-François Courtine, Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Philippe Narboux, Jocelyn Benoist, Natalie Depraz, Paolo Spinicci, Rudolf Bernet, Vincent Gérard