Fondements de l'humanité
Collection Recherches morales
752 pages - oct. 2010
Depuis les débuts de la conscience humaine, l'homme a constamment été en quête de ses origines. Comme si savoir d'où il venait pouvait lui apprendre où il allait. Origines ! Un mot qui nous fascine parce qu'il parle de nous, parce qu'il atteint le plus profond de notre être, parce qu'il semble enfermer dans le tréfonds de chacun le véritable sens de la vie et fournir nos véritables repères. Cet ouvrage invite le lecteur à explorer le texte des Origines, la Genèse. Il nous convie à regarder le monde, à nous regarder nous-mêmes. Ce sont ces explorations que nous découvrons dans les quarante-quatre études écrites par trente et un auteurs qui ont des styles variés et des approches différentes mais qui ont tous en commun de présenter la compréhension juive, donc originelle, des fondements de l'Humanité dans la Genèse, tels qu'ils sont transmis par les Maîtres d'Israël.
Since the awakening of human consciousness, man’s quest for his origins has been constant. As though knowing where he came from would tell him where he was heading. Origins! The word fascinates us because it’s all about us. Reaching the deepest point in our being, it seems to hold the true meaning of life and provide real bearings for living. This book invites the reader to explore the text about Origins, the Book of Genesis. It encourages us to observe the world, to observe ourselves. These are the explorations we discover in forty-four studies written by the thirty-one authors whose styles and approaches vary but who share the same desire to present the Jewish – and so the original – understanding of the foundation of Humanity in Genesis, as it was handed down by the Masters of Israel.
Since the awakening of human consciousness, man’s quest for his origins has been constant. As though knowing where he came from would tell him where he was heading. Origins! The word fascinates us because it’s all about us. Reaching the deepest point in our being, it seems to hold the true meaning of life and provide real bearings for living. This book invites the reader to explore the text about Origins, the Book of Genesis. It encourages us to observe the world, to observe ourselves. These are the explorations we discover in forty-four studies written by the thirty-one authors whose styles and approaches vary but who share the same desire to present the Jewish – and so the original – understanding of the foundation of Humanity in Genesis, as it was handed down by the Masters of Israel.
- Dimensions : 135x215x35
- ISBN : 9782204092357
- Poids : 790 grammes
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