Collection Passages
224 pages - mars 2013
L’espace de la mobilisation est celui d’une exposition totale. Peu importe ce que je suis en train de faire, et où je suis en train d’aller : ce qui compte, c’est que je sois toujours présent, prêt à me laisser atteindre par des requêtes, des informations et des communications. Cette disponibilité est rendue possible par les moyens de la télétechnologie : un ensemble intégré de médias tendant à éliminer l’élément de la médiation dans notre rapport au monde. Tout ce qui est utile doit pouvoir se présenter immédiatement : telle est la loi de la mobilisation que l’espace schizotopique rend effective. Toute portion de l’espace devient un lieu de convergence. Dans l’espace schizotopique, ce qui s’efface, c’est le seuil. Lorsque le seuil s’évanouit, la mobilité, l’accès et l’immédiateté gagnent en efficacité. Sont alors perdus l’hésitation éduquée, la crainte et la précaution avec lesquelles on s’avance, le temps d’arrêt que l’on marque respectueusement. Ainsi, disparaît la légitimité d’une sphère en droit d’être protégée du trafic des informations, des injonctions, des sollicitations auxquelles rien ni personne ne semble aujourd’hui être en mesure d’échapper. Car là où disparaît le seuil, il n’y a plus à demander : « Puis-je entrer ? »
The space of mobilisation is one of total exposition. It matters little what I am doing, or where I am going: what counts is that I should always be present, reachable by requests, information and communication. That availability is made possible by means of teletechnology: an integrated media ensemble that tends to eliminate the factor of mediation in our relation with the world. All things that are useful must be made immediately present: that is the law of mobilisation which is enforced in ‘schizotopic’ space. Space, in all its parts, becomes a place of convergence. In ‘schizotopic’ space, what is deleted is the threshold. When the threshold fades away, mobility, access and immediacy become more efficacious. We then lose informed hesitation, the fear and precaution with which we move forward, the pauses we respectfully observe. So disappears the legitimacy of a sphere that has the right to be protected from the rush and flow of information, injunctions and solicitations that no one and nothing seems able to escape today. For when the threshold disappears, we no longer need to ask, ‘Can I come in?’
The space of mobilisation is one of total exposition. It matters little what I am doing, or where I am going: what counts is that I should always be present, reachable by requests, information and communication. That availability is made possible by means of teletechnology: an integrated media ensemble that tends to eliminate the factor of mediation in our relation with the world. All things that are useful must be made immediately present: that is the law of mobilisation which is enforced in ‘schizotopic’ space. Space, in all its parts, becomes a place of convergence. In ‘schizotopic’ space, what is deleted is the threshold. When the threshold fades away, mobility, access and immediacy become more efficacious. We then lose informed hesitation, the fear and precaution with which we move forward, the pauses we respectfully observe. So disappears the legitimacy of a sphere that has the right to be protected from the rush and flow of information, injunctions and solicitations that no one and nothing seems able to escape today. For when the threshold disappears, we no longer need to ask, ‘Can I come in?’
- Dimensions : 135x195x15
- ISBN : 9782204099523
- Poids : 280 grammes
L'interdit ou la torture en question
48 pages - sept. 1995
En finir avec le mal logement
192 pages - mars 2010