La Relation infinie, II
de Daniel Vigne
Collection Passages
768 pages - sept. 2010
Écrivain célèbre, apôtre de la non-violence, artiste talentueux, Lanza del Vasto (1901-1981) était avant tout philosophe. Son œuvre et son action reposent, en effet, sur une pensée extrêmement construite, basée sur le concept de Relation. Présentée comme thèse de doctorat à Pise dès 1928, complétée par des milliers de réflexions que l'auteur consignait dans des carnets intimes, cette pensée n'avait encore fait l'objet d'aucune étude systématique. L'ouvrage de Daniel Vigne permet désormais d'en prendre connaissance. Le premier volume a montré comment la sensibilité et l'intelligence donnent naissance aux arts et aux sciences. Le présent volume traite plus spécialement de la philosophie. Quelle idée Lanza del Vasto s'en fait-il et comment la met-il en pratique ? « Sagesse d'amour », la philosophie repose sur la connaissance de soi, mais en vue d'une ouverture totale au réel : d'une étreinte de l'esprit et de l'être. D'où les deux parties de ce livre : 1. « Métaphysique ; l'être en quête de l'esprit », où l'auteur s'approche de cette réalité impalpable et frémissante, face cachée de toute réalité : l'esprit. Qu'est-il ? Quelle est sa nature, sa structure, sa finalité ? 2. « Ontologie ; l'esprit en quête de l'être », où Lanza s'interroge sur l'essence même du réel et ose une réponse originale : l'être est relation. Une discussion critique des théories de Descartes, Kant et Hegel justifie cette démarche et l'articule à la grande tradition philosophique. La vision d'ensemble ici proposée s'appuie sur des textes inédits, traduits de première main. Elle met en lumière une réflexion puissante, exprimée de façon claire et belle, qui sera reconnue comme une des grandes pensées de sagesse du XXe siècle.
A famous author, apostle of non-violence and talented artist, but Lanza del Vasto (1901-1981) was above all a philosopher. His work and his action are based on thinking carefully constructed around the concept of Relation. Presented as his doctoral thesis in Pisa in 1928, completed by thousands of reflections he wrote in personal notebooks, his thoughts had never been the subject of a systemic study. Daniel Vigne’s book puts an end to that and lets us get better aquainted with Lanza del Vasto. The first volume shows how sensitivity and intelligence gave birth to the arts and the sciences. It reserves a special place for philosophy. What is Lanza del Vasto’s concept of it and how does he put it into practice? ‘Wisdom of love’ , philosophy is based on knowledge of the self, but in the perspective of a total opening onto the real: embracing the spirit and the being. Which is why this book has two parts: 1. ‘Metaphysical; the being in quest of the spirit’. Here, the author approaches this impalpable and trembling reality, the hidden side of all réality: the spirit. What is it? What is its nature, structure, finality? 2. ‘Ontology; the spirit in quest of the being’. Here, Lanza poses the question of the very essence of the real and is bold enough to respond in an original manner: the being is relation. A critical discussion of the theories of Descartes, Kant and Hegel justify this approach and relate it to the philosophical traditional. The global vision presented here is based on previously unpublished texts, directly translated from the original language. It reveals a powerful reflection, clearly and beautifully expressed, which will be recognised as one of the 20th century’s great philosophies of wisdom.
A famous author, apostle of non-violence and talented artist, but Lanza del Vasto (1901-1981) was above all a philosopher. His work and his action are based on thinking carefully constructed around the concept of Relation. Presented as his doctoral thesis in Pisa in 1928, completed by thousands of reflections he wrote in personal notebooks, his thoughts had never been the subject of a systemic study. Daniel Vigne’s book puts an end to that and lets us get better aquainted with Lanza del Vasto. The first volume shows how sensitivity and intelligence gave birth to the arts and the sciences. It reserves a special place for philosophy. What is Lanza del Vasto’s concept of it and how does he put it into practice? ‘Wisdom of love’ , philosophy is based on knowledge of the self, but in the perspective of a total opening onto the real: embracing the spirit and the being. Which is why this book has two parts: 1. ‘Metaphysical; the being in quest of the spirit’. Here, the author approaches this impalpable and trembling reality, the hidden side of all réality: the spirit. What is it? What is its nature, structure, finality? 2. ‘Ontology; the spirit in quest of the being’. Here, Lanza poses the question of the very essence of the real and is bold enough to respond in an original manner: the being is relation. A critical discussion of the theories of Descartes, Kant and Hegel justify this approach and relate it to the philosophical traditional. The global vision presented here is based on previously unpublished texts, directly translated from the original language. It reveals a powerful reflection, clearly and beautifully expressed, which will be recognised as one of the 20th century’s great philosophies of wisdom.
- Dimensions : 145x235x35
- ISBN : 9782204091237
- Poids : 1070 grammes