La promesse et l'obstacle
de Danny Trom
Collection Passages
272 pages - sept. 2007
Depuis une dizaine d'années, la gauche radicale, après une longue éclipse, a fait sa réapparition sur la scène publique française. Longtemps empêtrée dans une crise théorique profonde, elle construit un dispositif susceptible de fonder une critique radicale sur de nouvelles bases et d'impulser un enthousiasme militant qui puisse s'y adosser. Ce texte explore les opérations théoriques au travers desquelles la gauche radicale accomplit cette tâche. Il distingue deux manières, parallèles et contradictoires, de surmonter la crise de la critique : la première voie est empruntée par une gauche radicale appelée « sociale » qui redéfinit une nouvelle question sociale autour de la figure de la victime souffrante, tandis que la seconde voie est empruntée par une gauche radicale appelée « politique » qui veut marquer une ligne de front et les lieux d'une subjectivisation subversive qui lui soit ajustée. Et sur ces chemins d'une critique radicale régénérée, chacune rencontre un obstacle appelé à être levé. Cet obstacle, les deux critiques radicales confondues tentent de le cerner dans les termes déterminés par le chemin qu'elles se sont choisi. Et elles le nomment. En identifiant, de manière tâtonnante, ce qui à chaque fois fait obstacle à la relance de la critique, elles formulent un « problème juif ». Absolument incompatibles entre elles, les deux gauches radicales semblent néanmoins confluer à ce point d'intersection. Les sempiternelles accusations d'antisémitisme sont ici impuissantes à saisir ce qui est en jeu. Car la critique radicale ne préjuge pas, ni ne se trompe : en faisant pivoter la critique radicale autour d'une humanité souffrante ou en traquant un agent responsable de la dépolitisation, elle fait surgir les juifs au cœur de son dispositif théorique en voie d'édification. La promesse de la gauche radicale française s'actualise alors toujours davantage comme une menace adressée aux juifs. Tel est le fait dont ce texte veut restituer la logique.
About ten years ago, the radical left reappeared on the scene of public life in France after a lengthy absence. After a long, deep crisis about theoretical matters, it is now building a system capable of founding radical critique on a new basis and injecting militant enthusiasm to support it. This text explores the theoretical operations through which the radical left succeeded in this task. It makes the distinction between two paths explored in order to overcome the crisis, parallel yet conflicting. The first was taken by a radical left referred to as ‘social’, which defines a new social question around the figure of the suffering victim; while the second was adopted by a radical left called ‘political’ which aims to trace a front line and define an area of dissident subjectivization. And on these paths of revival, each side encounters an obstacle which must be overcome. They have both attempted to identify that obstacle in terms determined by the path they have chosen. And they have given it a name. In a hesitant manner, they describe what still stands in the way of their relaunch as a ‘Jewish problem’. Totally incompatible, the two radical lefts seem to meet at this point of intersection. The eternal accusations of anti-Semitism are powerless to gauge what is at stake. Because radical critique has not prejudged, nor mistaken the issue: by reconstructing radical critique around suffering humanity, or by seeking an agent responsible for depolitization, it constantly finds the Jews at the heart of its theoretical system in the making. The promise of the French radical left in its revival resembles a threat addressed to the Jewish people. This text seeks to restore the logic of this fact.
About ten years ago, the radical left reappeared on the scene of public life in France after a lengthy absence. After a long, deep crisis about theoretical matters, it is now building a system capable of founding radical critique on a new basis and injecting militant enthusiasm to support it. This text explores the theoretical operations through which the radical left succeeded in this task. It makes the distinction between two paths explored in order to overcome the crisis, parallel yet conflicting. The first was taken by a radical left referred to as ‘social’, which defines a new social question around the figure of the suffering victim; while the second was adopted by a radical left called ‘political’ which aims to trace a front line and define an area of dissident subjectivization. And on these paths of revival, each side encounters an obstacle which must be overcome. They have both attempted to identify that obstacle in terms determined by the path they have chosen. And they have given it a name. In a hesitant manner, they describe what still stands in the way of their relaunch as a ‘Jewish problem’. Totally incompatible, the two radical lefts seem to meet at this point of intersection. The eternal accusations of anti-Semitism are powerless to gauge what is at stake. Because radical critique has not prejudged, nor mistaken the issue: by reconstructing radical critique around suffering humanity, or by seeking an agent responsible for depolitization, it constantly finds the Jews at the heart of its theoretical system in the making. The promise of the French radical left in its revival resembles a threat addressed to the Jewish people. This text seeks to restore the logic of this fact.
- Dimensions : 135x195x20
- ISBN : 9782204083904
- Poids : 325 grammes
Introduction à la « Politica methodice digesta de Johannes Althusius »
de Gaëlle Demelemestre
112 pages - oct. 2012
La Décadence
Histoire sociologique et philosophique d'une catégorie de l'expérience humaine
de Julien Freund
590 pages - mars 2023