Au détour du sens
Collection Passages
368 pages - mai 2007
La « philosophie » rencontre l'« herméneutique » parce que la compréhension, dont l'élan habite le projet philosophique, est l'objet même de l'herméneutique. Or, celle-ci nous apprend que pour comprendre vraiment, l'homme ne peut pas ne pas interpréter, c'est-à-dire qu'il doit individuellement reconstruire le sens qui n'est que dans le détour de l'interprétation. Le sens n'est en effet que ce que l'on comprend, chacun devant, de ce fait, assumer la responsabilité de ce qu'il comprend. Après avoir situé et discuté les approches philosophiques contemporaines se réclamant de l'herméneutique, le présent ouvrage élabore à partir d'un héritage kantien les enjeux du devoir de comprendre et, à travers les notions de perspective et d'orientation, les principes de la constitution des univers de sens. Le caractère provisoire de ces derniers conduit l'herméneutique à se prolonger dans une philosophie de la culture fondée sur la remise en sens.
‘Philosophy’ encounters ‘hermeneutics’ because comprehension, whose momentum resides in the philosophical project, is the very purpose of hermeneutics. However, the latter teaches us that in order to truly understand, man cannot avoid interpreting; this means he must individually reconstruct the meaning which can only be found in the detour of interpretation. The meaning is, in reality, only what we understand; each one of us being obliged, in consequence, to assume the responsibility of what we understand. After situating and discussing contemporary philosophical approaches that claim to represent hermeneutics, the present book takes the Kantian legacy as a starting point and goes on to explore the challenge of that duty to understand, and, through notions of perspective and direction, the principles of constituting universes of meaning. The provisional nature of those universes encourages hermeneutics to expand into a philosophy of culture, founded on the ascription of meaning.
‘Philosophy’ encounters ‘hermeneutics’ because comprehension, whose momentum resides in the philosophical project, is the very purpose of hermeneutics. However, the latter teaches us that in order to truly understand, man cannot avoid interpreting; this means he must individually reconstruct the meaning which can only be found in the detour of interpretation. The meaning is, in reality, only what we understand; each one of us being obliged, in consequence, to assume the responsibility of what we understand. After situating and discussing contemporary philosophical approaches that claim to represent hermeneutics, the present book takes the Kantian legacy as a starting point and goes on to explore the challenge of that duty to understand, and, through notions of perspective and direction, the principles of constituting universes of meaning. The provisional nature of those universes encourages hermeneutics to expand into a philosophy of culture, founded on the ascription of meaning.
- Dimensions : 145x235x25
- ISBN : 9782204083195
- Poids : 540 grammes
Anthropologie phénoménologique et théorie de l'éducation dans l'oeuvre d'Edith Stein
de Éric de Rus
356 pages - sept. 2019