Paul VI et les orthodoxes
Collection Orthodoxie
304 pages - mai 2012
Le pontificat de Paul VI (1963-1978) correspond à une transformation spectaculaire des relations entre catholiques et orthodoxes. L'histoire a retenu les rencontres mémorables entre Paul VI et le patriarche Athénagoras à Jérusalem en janvier 1964, puis à Istanbul et à Rome en 1967. Paul VI et Athénagoras guident leurs Églises sur les voies d'un œcuménisme charismatique où la grande prière du Christ — « qu'ils soient un » — et la docilité à l'Esprit-Saint en constituent le dynamisme fondamental. C'est le temps du dialogue de la charité : réapprendre aux chrétiens latins et orientaux à s'aimer, à s'apprécier, à se découvrir complémentaires dans la fidélité respective à un riche héritage. La relation privilégiée entre Paul VI et Athénagoras ressort dans les pages lumineuses de leur correspondance : le « Tomos Agapis », ou livre de la charité. Mais il ne faudrait pas oublier les relations avec l'Église orthodoxe russe, avec le métropolite Nikodim Rotov et le monde orthodoxe en général. Au moment où les relations entre catholiques et orthodoxes entrent dans une étape décisive, ces pages, qui utilisent des documents jusque-là inédits, se présentent comme une anamnèse des fondements posés avec persévérance et espérance en vue d'accueillir le don de l'unité.
The pontificate of Paul VI (1963-1978) saw a spectacular transformation in the relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians. History has retained the memorable meetings between Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem in January 1964, then in Istanbul and Rome in 1967. Paul VI and Athenagoras guided their Churches on the path to charismatic ecumenism, in which the great prayer of Christ — ‘that they be one’— and the docility of the Holy Spirit constitute the fundamental dynamism. It is a time of dialogue and charity: to teach Latin Christians to love and appreciate each other, to realise that they are complementary in their respective fidelity to a rich heritage. The privileged relation between Paul VI and Athenagoras shines from the pages of their correspondence: the ‘Tomos Agapis’ or the book of charity. But we must not forget the relations with the Russian Orthodox Church, with the Metropolitan Nikodim Rotov and the Orthodox world in general. As relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians enter into a decisive stage, this book, which reveals documents never published before, comes as an anamnesis of the foundations laid with perseverance and hope, to welcome the gift of unity.
The pontificate of Paul VI (1963-1978) saw a spectacular transformation in the relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians. History has retained the memorable meetings between Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem in January 1964, then in Istanbul and Rome in 1967. Paul VI and Athenagoras guided their Churches on the path to charismatic ecumenism, in which the great prayer of Christ — ‘that they be one’— and the docility of the Holy Spirit constitute the fundamental dynamism. It is a time of dialogue and charity: to teach Latin Christians to love and appreciate each other, to realise that they are complementary in their respective fidelity to a rich heritage. The privileged relation between Paul VI and Athenagoras shines from the pages of their correspondence: the ‘Tomos Agapis’ or the book of charity. But we must not forget the relations with the Russian Orthodox Church, with the Metropolitan Nikodim Rotov and the Orthodox world in general. As relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians enter into a decisive stage, this book, which reveals documents never published before, comes as an anamnesis of the foundations laid with perseverance and hope, to welcome the gift of unity.
- Dimensions : 145x215x20
- ISBN : 9782204097345
- Poids : 420 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Emmanuel Adamakis
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