Les fables peintes du corps abîmé
Collection Cerf Histoire
192 pages - mai 2006
Les personnes avec une déficience sortent-elles de l'ombre séculaire où elles furent laissées ? Les plus grands peintres n'ont pas hésité à placer les corps déformés dans la lumière de leurs œuvres. Un parcours superficiel pourrait conclure à des mises en scène grotesques ou pitoyables, dérisoires ou accusatrices, contribuant au rejet des corps meurtris dans les ténèbres sociales. Intrigués et séduits par les corps infirmes, les peintres nous offrent au contraire des visions magnifiques et inattendues des défaillances, dénonçant, par des retournements subtils et admirables, le sort qu'on leur fait, nous renvoyant à notre condition commune, limitée et mortelle. L'art pictural dévoile le visible caché derrière les apparences et contribue à changer notre regard, sans faire la morale. De Pierre Bruegel à Frida Kalho, nous pénétrons dans les profondeurs de notre modernité quand elle rencontre les corps différents et passe de la prégnance du Crucifié à une indécision radicale sur l'humain. Tout presse la communauté internationale et chaque communauté nationale à prendre la mesure des souffrances et de la passion de vivre de ceux qui doivent lutter contre la dépréciation dont ils sont l'objet. Prendre cette mesure, c'est aussi fouiller la mémoire des siècles et convoquer les sciences à comprendre toutes les dimensions d'une question qui affecte chaque collectivité humaine. Les travaux croisés d'histoire, de sociologie, d'anthropologie sont aussi rares qu'indispensables. Le présent ouvrage est le premier, en français, à restituer les visions picturales du corps abîmé, indissociables de celles de notre corporéité commune.
Are those with a physical deficiency now emerging from the earthly shadows in which they were abandoned? The greatest painters did not hesitate to reveal deformed bodies in the light of their works. A superficial analysis could conclude that these were grotesque or pitiful exploitations, derisory or accusing, contributing to the rejection of bodies shunned into social obscurity. But on the contrary, the painters, intrigued and charmed by those invalid bodies, are offering magnificent and unexpected visions of their failings, denouncing the fate reserved for them, using subtle and admirable situations, reminding us of our common condition, limited and mortal. Pictorial art reveals what is visibly hidden behind appearances, and contributes to changing the way we see, without moralizing. From Peter Bruegel to Frida Kalho, we travel into the depths of our modernity when it encounters bodies that are different, and passes from the pregnancy of the crucified body of Christ to a radical indecision about the human being. Everything argues in favour of the international and national communities becoming aware of the suffering, and the passion for life, of those who have to struggle against the depreciation to which they are subjected. To become aware is also to search back through the centuries and consult the sciences, to grasp all the dimensions of a question that affects every human community. The combined works of history, sociology and anthropology are as rare as they are indispensable. This book is the first, in French, to restore the pictorial visions of damaged bodies, inseparable from those of our common corporeity.
Are those with a physical deficiency now emerging from the earthly shadows in which they were abandoned? The greatest painters did not hesitate to reveal deformed bodies in the light of their works. A superficial analysis could conclude that these were grotesque or pitiful exploitations, derisory or accusing, contributing to the rejection of bodies shunned into social obscurity. But on the contrary, the painters, intrigued and charmed by those invalid bodies, are offering magnificent and unexpected visions of their failings, denouncing the fate reserved for them, using subtle and admirable situations, reminding us of our common condition, limited and mortal. Pictorial art reveals what is visibly hidden behind appearances, and contributes to changing the way we see, without moralizing. From Peter Bruegel to Frida Kalho, we travel into the depths of our modernity when it encounters bodies that are different, and passes from the pregnancy of the crucified body of Christ to a radical indecision about the human being. Everything argues in favour of the international and national communities becoming aware of the suffering, and the passion for life, of those who have to struggle against the depreciation to which they are subjected. To become aware is also to search back through the centuries and consult the sciences, to grasp all the dimensions of a question that affects every human community. The combined works of history, sociology and anthropology are as rare as they are indispensable. This book is the first, in French, to restore the pictorial visions of damaged bodies, inseparable from those of our common corporeity.
- Dimensions : 160x240x10
- ISBN : 9782204077354
- Poids : 460 grammes
Opération Vésuve
L'histoire très secrète de la libération de la Corse
de Henri-Christian Giraud
320 pages - août 2023