Baba Simon
de Jean-Baptiste Baskouda Shelley
Collection Trésors du Christianisme
176 pages - avril 2010
« Enfin, le premier livre sur Baba Simon sous la plume de quelqu'un qui reconnaît lui devoir infiniment : Jean-Baptiste Baskouda Shelley, un de ses "enfants". Sorti du cœur comme un cri. Pour une action de grâces. Pour un hommage à Simon Mpecke, le "père des Kirdis", celui que tous les villageois qui l'ont rencontré et fréquenté, tous ceux qui vivent encore de sa présence dans la plaine assoiffée de Kudumbar ou sur les pentes austères et grises du Mandara, Nord-Cameroun, aiment à nommer tout simplement "Baba, Papa". Baba Simon eut l'audace folle de vaincre toutes les peurs, toutes les critiques et tous les refus pour partager le sort des Kirdis et témoigner. Lui, artisan de l'inculturation bien avant que les maîtres en dissertent et la prônent. Lui, dont la même foi en l'homme et en Dieu faisait s'écrier d'un même élan : "Jésus-Christ, c'est l'homme, l'homme debout, vivant, celui qui se construit." » [Hyacinthe Vulliez]
“At last, the first book about Baba Simon written by someone who recognises his great debt to him: Jean-Baptiste Baskouda Shelley, one of his ‘children’. This book is a cry from the heart for an act of grace. For a homage to Simon Mpecke, the ‘father’ of the Kirdi, the man loved by all the villagers who met him and knew him, all those who still live in his presence on the scorched planes of Kudumbar or the severe grey slopes of Mandara, North Cameroon. They call him simply “Baba, Papa”. Baba Simon had the mad idea of overcoming all fears, defying all critics and all rebuttals to go and live with the Kirdi and bear witness, an artisan of inculturation well before the masters held forth and advocated it. He whose faith in man and God made him proclaim: ‘Jesus Christ, he is the man, the upright man, alive, the one who constructs.”[Hyacinthe Vulliez]
“At last, the first book about Baba Simon written by someone who recognises his great debt to him: Jean-Baptiste Baskouda Shelley, one of his ‘children’. This book is a cry from the heart for an act of grace. For a homage to Simon Mpecke, the ‘father’ of the Kirdi, the man loved by all the villagers who met him and knew him, all those who still live in his presence on the scorched planes of Kudumbar or the severe grey slopes of Mandara, North Cameroon. They call him simply “Baba, Papa”. Baba Simon had the mad idea of overcoming all fears, defying all critics and all rebuttals to go and live with the Kirdi and bear witness, an artisan of inculturation well before the masters held forth and advocated it. He whose faith in man and God made him proclaim: ‘Jesus Christ, he is the man, the upright man, alive, the one who constructs.”[Hyacinthe Vulliez]
- Dimensions : 135x195x14
- ISBN : 9782204092791
- Poids : 230 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Hyacinthe Vulliez
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