Élévation sur sainte Madeleine
Collection Trésors du Christianisme
144 pages - déc. 2008
Bérulle est l'initiateur et le maître de ce que l'on appelle « l'École française » de spiritualité qui a beaucoup marqué le clergé français à travers de nombreuses familles religieuses (Oratoriens, Eudistes, Sulpiciens, Lazaristes...). L'« Élévation sur sainte Madeleine » est l'une des dernières œuvres de Bérulle. Composée à partir d'entretiens avec la jeune reine d'Angleterre, Henriette de France, elle garde une grande liberté de ton et d'écriture. Le pèlerinage à la Sainte-Baume, lieu présumé de la retraite de Madeleine, était très en vogue au XVIIe siècle. On venait y prier la pécheresse repentie. Bérulle se situe tout autrement. Pour lui, Madeleine est le modèle de l'âme livrée au Christ. Son péché est à jamais effacé dès sa première rencontre avec Jésus. Ce court traité, qui propose un chemin de conversion vers la mystique la plus haute, est en même temps l'un des premiers grands textes de la langue française.
Bérulle is the initiator and the master of what is called ‘the French School’ of spirituality, which has strongly influenced the French clergy through many religious families (Oratorians, Eudists, Sulpicians, Lazarists...). The ‘Élévation sur sainte Madeleine’ is one of Bérulle’s last works. Based on interviews with the young English queen, Henriette of France, it maintains great freedom of tone and style. The pilgrimage at Sainte-Baume, presumed to be the place of retreat of Mary Magdalene, was very much in vogue in the 17th century. People went there to prey to the repented sinner. Bérulle sees things differently. To him, Magdalene is the model of a soul given to Christ. Her sins were forever washed away even at her first encounter with Jesus. This short treaty, which presents a way of conversion toward the highest mysticism, is also one of the first great texts of the French language.
Bérulle is the initiator and the master of what is called ‘the French School’ of spirituality, which has strongly influenced the French clergy through many religious families (Oratorians, Eudists, Sulpicians, Lazarists...). The ‘Élévation sur sainte Madeleine’ is one of Bérulle’s last works. Based on interviews with the young English queen, Henriette of France, it maintains great freedom of tone and style. The pilgrimage at Sainte-Baume, presumed to be the place of retreat of Mary Magdalene, was very much in vogue in the 17th century. People went there to prey to the repented sinner. Bérulle sees things differently. To him, Magdalene is the model of a soul given to Christ. Her sins were forever washed away even at her first encounter with Jesus. This short treaty, which presents a way of conversion toward the highest mysticism, is also one of the first great texts of the French language.
- Dimensions : 135x195x12
- ISBN : 9782204087490
- Poids : 180 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Joseph Beaude