Valeurs de l'Occident et la Bible (Les)
de Roger Klaine
Collection L'Histoire à vif
80 pages - juil. 2008
« Toi qui tiens ce livre en main, c'est à toi que j'écris. Car si tu lis ce petit bouquin, c'est que tu es en recherche d'autre chose que de l'argent et de l'avancement quel qu'en soit le prix. « Et c'est bien. Car le monde qui est le nôtre est passionnant. Mais surtout pour ceux qui savent quoi faire de leur vie. Ceux qui ont conscience qu'il est essentiel d'avoir un but pour réussir son existence d'homme. Et pas seulement une réussite matérielle. « Alors, j'ai envie de participer tant soit peu à éclairer ton chemin en voyant mieux, avec toi, d'où nous venons. Car j'ai cherché longtemps quels étaient les projets, les visées, les valeurs qui nous étaient propres, en Occident. « Or, figure-toi que je les ai trouvés dans... la Bible. D'où le titre de ce petit livre. J'ai écrit plusieurs ouvrages sur la Bible. Mais c'était pour des spécialistes. Alors j'ai eu envie de "traduire" mes trouvailles pour toi qui commences ta vie d'adulte. »
“You, who hold this book in your hand, I am writing to you. Because if you are reading this little volume, it is because you are looking for something other than money and advancement at any price. And you are right. For our world is truly fascinating - especially for those who know what to do with their lives. Those who are aware how essential it is to have an objective if we want to make a success of our existence as human beings. And not just a material success.” “So, I would like to participate a little, with you, in trying to see more clearly where we come from. For I have long sought to discover the projects, the aims, the values that are ours, in the West. And where do you think I found them? In… the Bible. Hence the title of this book. I have written several books about the Bible. But they were for specialists. So I wanted to ‘translate’ my findings for you, who are standing at the threshold of your adult life.”
“You, who hold this book in your hand, I am writing to you. Because if you are reading this little volume, it is because you are looking for something other than money and advancement at any price. And you are right. For our world is truly fascinating - especially for those who know what to do with their lives. Those who are aware how essential it is to have an objective if we want to make a success of our existence as human beings. And not just a material success.” “So, I would like to participate a little, with you, in trying to see more clearly where we come from. For I have long sought to discover the projects, the aims, the values that are ours, in the West. And where do you think I found them? In… the Bible. Hence the title of this book. I have written several books about the Bible. But they were for specialists. So I wanted to ‘translate’ my findings for you, who are standing at the threshold of your adult life.”
- Dimensions : 110x200x8
- ISBN : 9782204087216
- Poids : 100 grammes
J'ai bien souvent de la peine avec Dieu (poche)
de Marie Noël ,Abbé Mugnier
416 pages - août 2023