François d'Assise
Collection L'Histoire à vif
144 pages - oct. 2008
Il y a huit siècles, en 1209, François et ses compagnons reçurent l'approbation du pape innocent III de « vivre selon l'Évangile du Christ ». Ce fut la naissance du mouvement franciscain qui ne cessa, avec des hauts et des bas, d'être présent tout au long de la vie de l'Église jusqu'à nos jours. Au début du XXIe siècle, il y occupe encore une place non négligeable. L'héritage de François, c'est en premier lieu sa figure humaine et chrétienne, riche, complexe, séduisante. Mais c'est aussi le surprenant message écrit qu'il a laissé et dont notre temps découvre l'importance. Les héritiers, ce sont les hommes et les femmes d'aujourd'hui, pas loin d'un million, qui encore en ce siècle et en ces temps difficiles pour la foi, s'engagent à vivre, tant bien que mal, quelque chose de « la pauvreté, de l'humilité et du saint Évangile de Jésus Christ » (Règle de François). C'est à l'intention de cette famille – mais plus largement de tous les chrétiens – et, pourquoi pas, de tous les hommes – qu'ont été rédigées les pages de ce livre. Son auteur, engagé et impliqué dans la vie concrète du mouvement franciscain et dans la compréhension de ses fondements et de leur actualisation, y présente un certain nombre de réflexions sur l'héritage de François et sur l'accueil que ses héritiers lui réservent aujourd'hui. Quels ont été et quels sont les références et appuis de l'identité franciscaine ? Qu'en est-il de la pauvreté, considérée comme trait essentiel du charisme ? En quoi consistent les « transformations du franciscanisme », dont nous sommes et les acteurs et les témoins au cours des dernières décennies ? Quelles sont les valeurs fondamentales, constitutives, de la mission franciscaine qui, par ailleurs, interpellent tous les chrétiens ? Tels sont les problèmes abordés dans ce livre, qui donnent à penser et questionnent l'actualité.
Eight centuries ago, in 1209, Francis and his companions received a blessing from Pope Innocent III on their quest ‘to live according to Christ’s Gospel’. That approbation was the birth of the Franciscan movement, one that has never ceased, through good times and bad, to be present in the life of the Church. At the beginning of the 21st century, its role is still considerable. The heritage of Francis is first and foremost his humanist and Christian image, rich and complex, possessing a great power of attraction. But it is also the surprising written message Francis passed down to us, whose significance we are discovering today. The heirs of Francis are men and women of today, almost a million, who, in these difficult times for the faith, have promised to live, as well as they can, ‘the poverty, the humility and the holy Gospel of Jesus Christ’ (Rule of Francis). It is for this family, and also for all Christians – and why not for all men – that this book was written. Its author, actively involved in the concrete life of the Franciscan movement and in comprehending its fundamental principals and their modernisation, presents a certain number of reflections on the heritage of Francis and how it is received today by his heirs. What were, and what are the references and bases of Franciscan identity? What about poverty, considered to be an essential feature of the charisma? What exactly are the ‘transformations of Franciscanism’ of which we have been actors and witnesses in recent decades? What are the fundamental, constitutive values of the Franciscan mission which, in passing, concern all Christians? These are the questions approached in this book, which questions today’s world and provides food for thought. Thaddée Matura is a friar minor (Franciscan). He contributed to the edition and interpretation of the writings of Francis and Claire of Assisi (coll. ‘Sources chrétiennes’ 285 and 325). He has published many books about the origins, history and present day Franciscan heritage: Le Projet évangélique de François aujourd’hui; Prier 15 jours avec François; François ‘auteur spirituel’; François, maître de vie spirituelle, which have been translated into a dozen languages.
Eight centuries ago, in 1209, Francis and his companions received a blessing from Pope Innocent III on their quest ‘to live according to Christ’s Gospel’. That approbation was the birth of the Franciscan movement, one that has never ceased, through good times and bad, to be present in the life of the Church. At the beginning of the 21st century, its role is still considerable. The heritage of Francis is first and foremost his humanist and Christian image, rich and complex, possessing a great power of attraction. But it is also the surprising written message Francis passed down to us, whose significance we are discovering today. The heirs of Francis are men and women of today, almost a million, who, in these difficult times for the faith, have promised to live, as well as they can, ‘the poverty, the humility and the holy Gospel of Jesus Christ’ (Rule of Francis). It is for this family, and also for all Christians – and why not for all men – that this book was written. Its author, actively involved in the concrete life of the Franciscan movement and in comprehending its fundamental principals and their modernisation, presents a certain number of reflections on the heritage of Francis and how it is received today by his heirs. What were, and what are the references and bases of Franciscan identity? What about poverty, considered to be an essential feature of the charisma? What exactly are the ‘transformations of Franciscanism’ of which we have been actors and witnesses in recent decades? What are the fundamental, constitutive values of the Franciscan mission which, in passing, concern all Christians? These are the questions approached in this book, which questions today’s world and provides food for thought. Thaddée Matura is a friar minor (Franciscan). He contributed to the edition and interpretation of the writings of Francis and Claire of Assisi (coll. ‘Sources chrétiennes’ 285 and 325). He has published many books about the origins, history and present day Franciscan heritage: Le Projet évangélique de François aujourd’hui; Prier 15 jours avec François; François ‘auteur spirituel’; François, maître de vie spirituelle, which have been translated into a dozen languages.
- Dimensions : 135x215x12
- ISBN : 9782204086790
- Poids : 200 grammes
L'administration des biens des missions catholiques du Cameroun allemand et français
de Paul Noma Bikibili
700 pages - avril 2020