Les Grecs d'Istanbul et le patriarcat œcuménique au seuil du XXIe siècle
de Méropi Anastassiadou , Paul Dumont
Collection L'Histoire à vif
320 pages - mai 2011
Les Grecs d'Istanbul, qui formaient à la fin du XIXe siècle un des éléments les plus dynamiques de l'Empire ottoman, ne représentent plus, dans la Turquie d'aujourd'hui, qu'une population résiduelle de quelques milliers d'âmes. Le déclin est-il irrémédiable ? Nombre d'observateurs estiment que la communauté est en voie de disparition. Toutefois, ce livre donne aussi la parole à ceux qui croient encore à un rebond. L'amélioration des relations gréco-turques, à partir de 1999, a suscité d'immenses attentes, insufflant un nouveau dynamisme aux rescapés de l'exode. Ce travail est le résultat de plusieurs années d'immersion dans la vie de l'orthodoxie stambouliote. Fondé sur le partage de moments forts, il se veut surtout témoignage. Mais les auteurs ont aussi veillé à évoquer les turbulences de l'histoire, tout en brossant un tableau précis de la situation actuelle : démographie, vie économique et sociale, structures éducatives, leadership laïque et religieux, patrimoine culturel, lieux de mémoire... L'institution patriarcale, porteuse d'un itinéraire pluriséculaire, occupe dans l'étude une place centrale. Aux yeux de tous, Bartholomaios Ier, l'actuel patriarche œcuménique, est le principal porte-parole de la communauté. C'est lui qui négocie avec les autorités turques. Jouissant d'un prestige considérable, c'est aussi lui qui représente le Phanar sur la scène internationale.
The Greeks of Istanbul, who formed one of the most dynamic groups in the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century, represent no more than a residual population of a few thousand in Turkey today. Is their decline inevitable? Many observers think the community is now in danger of disappearing altogether. However, this book contains testimonies of those who still believe in a revival. The improvement of Greco-Turkish relations, as from 1999, engendered great hopes and breathed new dynamism into the survivors of the exodus. This work is the result of several years’ immersion in the life of Istanbul Orthodoxy. Based on the sharing of poignant moments, it is above all a testimony. But the authors also strive to describe the turbulent history while painting a precise picture of today’s situation: demography, economic and social life, educational structures, secular and religious leadership, cultural heritage, places of memory... The Patriarchal institution, with its pluri-secular itinerary, holds a central place in the study. Bartholomew 1st, the current ecumenical patriarch, is universally recognised as the principal spokesman for the community. It is he who negotiates with the Turkish authorities. Enjoying considerable prestige, he also represents the Phanar on the international scene.
The Greeks of Istanbul, who formed one of the most dynamic groups in the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century, represent no more than a residual population of a few thousand in Turkey today. Is their decline inevitable? Many observers think the community is now in danger of disappearing altogether. However, this book contains testimonies of those who still believe in a revival. The improvement of Greco-Turkish relations, as from 1999, engendered great hopes and breathed new dynamism into the survivors of the exodus. This work is the result of several years’ immersion in the life of Istanbul Orthodoxy. Based on the sharing of poignant moments, it is above all a testimony. But the authors also strive to describe the turbulent history while painting a precise picture of today’s situation: demography, economic and social life, educational structures, secular and religious leadership, cultural heritage, places of memory... The Patriarchal institution, with its pluri-secular itinerary, holds a central place in the study. Bartholomew 1st, the current ecumenical patriarch, is universally recognised as the principal spokesman for the community. It is he who negotiates with the Turkish authorities. Enjoying considerable prestige, he also represents the Phanar on the international scene.
- Dimensions : 145x215x22
- ISBN : 9782204093248
- Poids : 480 grammes
Raconter les politiques conflictuelles en Afrique
de Sergiu Miscoiu ,Simona Jisa ,Modibo Diarra
366 pages - avril 2021