Chemins d'humanité — Les Béatitudes
d' Enzo Bianchi
Collection Épiphanie
160 pages - févr. 2013
Le Discours sur la montagne, en particulier la partie consacrée aux Béatitudes, est l'un des passages les plus appréciés et les plus souvent cités des évangiles, malgré sa complexité. Enzo Bianchi en offre une interprétation profonde, inspirée et argumentée, dans laquelle il montre comment l'invitation à la joie de Jésus trouve sa réalisation déjà dans le présent. En vivant les Béatitudes, avec toutes nos limites et nos péchés, nous pouvons d'ores et déjà faire l'expérience du bonheur, qui consiste à vivre notre existence humaine comme et avec Jésus. « C'est lui qui t'indique le trésor et il est lui-même le trésor pour toi », ainsi disait Grégoire de Nysse. Pour le prieur de Bose, Jésus, dans son enseignement sur la montagne, indique des chemins d'humanité et de bonheur auquel aspire tout être humain.
The Sermon on the Mount, and in particular the part devoted to the Beatitudes, is, despite its complexity, one of the most popular and most oft quoted passages in the Gospels. Here, Enzo Bianchi offers a profound, inspired and well-commented interpretation, in which he demonstrates how Jesus’ invitation to joy is issued right now in the present. By living the Beatitudes, within our limitations and with our sins, we can already experience happiness, which consists of living our human existence as and with Jesus. ‘It is he who shows you the treasure and he himself is the treasure for you,’ in the words of Gregory of Nyssa. For the Prior of Bose, Jesus, in his sermon on the mount, indicates the paths of humanity and happiness to which every human being aspires.
The Sermon on the Mount, and in particular the part devoted to the Beatitudes, is, despite its complexity, one of the most popular and most oft quoted passages in the Gospels. Here, Enzo Bianchi offers a profound, inspired and well-commented interpretation, in which he demonstrates how Jesus’ invitation to joy is issued right now in the present. By living the Beatitudes, within our limitations and with our sins, we can already experience happiness, which consists of living our human existence as and with Jesus. ‘It is he who shows you the treasure and he himself is the treasure for you,’ in the words of Gregory of Nyssa. For the Prior of Bose, Jesus, in his sermon on the mount, indicates the paths of humanity and happiness to which every human being aspires.
- Dimensions : 135x195x11
- ISBN : 9782204099448
- Poids : 200 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Matthias Wirz
Lire l'Évangile de saint Matthieu à la lumière de saint Augustin, 2
de Jaime García
420 pages - sept. 2013