L'Aventure du christianisme
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272 pages - janv. 2008
Depuis que le « fait religieux » a été « introduit » dans les programmes scolaires français, comment y aborde-t-on le christianisme ? Il n’est pas rare qu’il soit traité sans vraie compétence, ni objectivité, parfois même avec beaucoup de dérision. Il est pourtant souhaitable que les adolescents, qui suivent leur scolarité dans un environnement culturel fortement marqué par les sciences, aient accès à une présentation aussi claire que possible du contenu de notre religion chrétienne. Celle-ci plonge ses racines dans l’aventure spirituelle du peuple d’Israël et trouve son point de vérité et de ressourcement universels dans la personne de Jésus de Nazareth, dans ses paroles, son action, et le dévoilement qu’il a fait du mystère de Dieu et de l’homme. En sept chapitres, l’auteur propose un parcours qui fait droit aux principales questions que l’on peut se poser sur la foi chrétienne : qu’est-ce que la Bible ? pourquoi suis-je né ? Dieu existe-t-il ? pourquoi le mal ? qui donc était Jésus ? comment prier ? que dire de la résurrection ? l’Église est-elle nécessaire ? Les illustrations de Brunor apportent à l’ouvrage une touche d’humour et de distance qui favorise la lecture et la réflexion. Ce livre qui s’adresse à des adolescents aidera aussi les enseignants ou les parents à compléter leur connaissance du christianisme et à instaurer un dialogue avec leurs élèves ou leurs enfants.
Since religion, as a general subject, has been part of the French school curriculum, how has Christianity been taught? It is not unusual for the subject to be treated by people who lack the required competence or objectivity, sometimes even with derision. Yet it is desirable that teenagers, who go through their school life in a cultural environment strongly marked by the sciences, should have access to as clear as possible a presentation of the contents of our Christian religion. Its roots plunge deep into the spiritual adventure of the people of Israel and its zenith of truth and universal sources lie in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, in his preaching, his actions, and his revelation of the mystery of God and man. In seven chapters, the author traces a path which takes in all the principal questions we can ask about the Christian faith: What is the Bible ? Why was I born? Does God exist? Why does evil exist? Who was Jesus? How can I pray? What can we think of the Resurrection ? Is the Church necessary? Brunor’s illustrations add a touch of humour and distance which encourages reading and reflection. This book is intended for teenagers, but it will also help teachers and parents to complete their knowledge of Christianity and to launch a dialogue with their pupils or children.
Since religion, as a general subject, has been part of the French school curriculum, how has Christianity been taught? It is not unusual for the subject to be treated by people who lack the required competence or objectivity, sometimes even with derision. Yet it is desirable that teenagers, who go through their school life in a cultural environment strongly marked by the sciences, should have access to as clear as possible a presentation of the contents of our Christian religion. Its roots plunge deep into the spiritual adventure of the people of Israel and its zenith of truth and universal sources lie in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, in his preaching, his actions, and his revelation of the mystery of God and man. In seven chapters, the author traces a path which takes in all the principal questions we can ask about the Christian faith: What is the Bible ? Why was I born? Does God exist? Why does evil exist? Who was Jesus? How can I pray? What can we think of the Resurrection ? Is the Church necessary? Brunor’s illustrations add a touch of humour and distance which encourages reading and reflection. This book is intended for teenagers, but it will also help teachers and parents to complete their knowledge of Christianity and to launch a dialogue with their pupils or children.
- Dimensions : 145x175x14
- ISBN : 9782204082051
- Poids : 310 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Brunor