L'Expérience chrétienne
Collection Épiphanie
272 pages - nov. 2005
La foi chrétienne, lorsqu'elle se réduit à quelques affirmations simples, ne résiste pas au poids de l'expérience humaine et au choc des questions qui se posent aujourd'hui. Faute d'avoir un langage pour exprimer leur foi qui corresponde à leur expérience d'adultes, beaucoup en restent à la foi de leur enfance, ou abandonnent. Pourtant de nombreux chrétiens ont fait une véritable expérience de croyants. Ils ont parcouru, le plus souvent avec d'autres, un itinéraire faisant de la foi vécue avec conviction et intelligence une composante essentielle d'une réelle maturité humaine. Si l'expérience chrétienne est une longue histoire, pour les croyants, génération après génération, c'est toujours une histoire neuve, leur propre histoire d'hommes et de femmes en leur temps. Ce livre n'est pas un traité de vie chrétienne. Il propose une série de parcours que le lecteur, seul ou en groupe, pourra faire à son rythme : le bonheur ; l'expérience du croyant ; le Royaume ; aimer comme Dieu aime ; la dynamique pascale ; les rendez-vous de la foi ; l'apprentissage de la prière ; le péché et le pardon ; l'Eucharistie ; l'aujourd'hui de Dieu dans le temps des hommes. Un ouvrage très pédagogique, à la portée de tous.
Christian faith, when reduced to a few simple statements, cannot resist the weight of human experience and the shock of the questions that are asked today. Since there is no language to express faith that corresponds to adult experience, many people remain in the faith of their childhood, or abandon. Yet many Christians have the experience of true believers. They have travelled, most often in the company of others, along a path that has made their faith, lived with conviction and intelligence, an essential component of true maturity. Although the Christian experience has a long history, for believers - generation after generation - it is always new; it is the personal story of men and women living in their times. This book is not a treatise on Christian life. It offers a number of paths, for individuals or groups, that the reader can follow at his/her own pace: happiness; the believer’s experience; the Kingdom; love God as He loves; paschal dynamics; the meeting points of faith; learning to pray; sin and forgiveness; the Eucharist; God’s presence in man’s time. A highly pedagogical work, accessible to all.
Christian faith, when reduced to a few simple statements, cannot resist the weight of human experience and the shock of the questions that are asked today. Since there is no language to express faith that corresponds to adult experience, many people remain in the faith of their childhood, or abandon. Yet many Christians have the experience of true believers. They have travelled, most often in the company of others, along a path that has made their faith, lived with conviction and intelligence, an essential component of true maturity. Although the Christian experience has a long history, for believers - generation after generation - it is always new; it is the personal story of men and women living in their times. This book is not a treatise on Christian life. It offers a number of paths, for individuals or groups, that the reader can follow at his/her own pace: happiness; the believer’s experience; the Kingdom; love God as He loves; paschal dynamics; the meeting points of faith; learning to pray; sin and forgiveness; the Eucharist; God’s presence in man’s time. A highly pedagogical work, accessible to all.
- Dimensions : 135x195x20
- ISBN : 9782204078429
- Poids : 328 grammes
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