Qu'est-ce que la vérité ?
Collection Théologies
176 pages - oct. 2009
“But whoever does what is true comes to the light...” (Jn 3, 21). So ‘what is true’ remains to be ‘done’, it is not ready-made... It has to be created (poieîn), invented. Like creation and invention, Truth preceded us and lies ahead of us. It is when we do what is true that we invent truth and find it (invenire), and so come to the light. Truth is at the end of the march, the quest for human invention throughout history. “Do what is true,” Adolphe Gesché wrote. “People find the expression odd. But when we say that the artist must do what is beautiful, and that man must do what is good, they don’t find those expressions odd. We are too afraid of being creators when it comes to truth.” In consequence, the responsibility of each human being is great indeed: the ethical, spiritual, intellectual and artistic resources of all men and women are vital for this enterprise of ‘doing what is true’, humanity’s ultimate oeuvre par excellence. In the same logic, isn’t there a specifically Christian invention of truth? “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. An astonishing claim! Jesus, according to John’s gospel, claims to be the Truth: the Truth is part of a personal, and so relational, existence; and it goes hand-in-hand with Life and the Way we must travel to reach it. A unique claim to Truth: “I am the Truth”. Unique and universal: a singular “I” identifying with universal and total Truth. Truth is forever a concrete subject, an invincible person, a rampart against all kinds of totalitarianism, objectivism and scientism. Our human truths will always be too brief, and consequently relative, when compared to that infinite and ineffable Truth. All our human truths, even the religious ones, are relative and so can, and must, be compared with it. All the disciplines (philosophy, politics, empirical/formal sciences, cultures, laws... biblical exegesis and theology) at their level and in their context, are indispensable in our common search for what is true. This was the challenge taken up by the Theology Faculty’s 9th colloquium of dogmatic theology at the Catholic University of Louvain, (Louvain-la-Neuve). The contributions, innovating in many ways, are presented in this book.
- Dimensions : 145x235x15
- ISBN : 9782204089906
- Poids : 290 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Adolphe Gesché, Benoît Bourgine, Dominique Lambert, Jean Leclercq, Jean-Pierre Sonnet, Joseph Famerée, Marie-Françoise Rigaux, Myriam Revault d'Allonnes, Paul Scolas, Pie Tshibanda, Yves Ledure