La Bonne Nouvelle du salut en Jésus Christ
Collection Théologies
528 pages - mai 2007
Si l'on est habitué à distinguer la christologie, comprise comme doctrine concernant la personne du Christ, et la sotériologie, définie par la théologie d'école comme doctrine de la rédemption ou conçue, à l'heure actuelle, comme doctrine concernant le salut apporté par Jésus-Christ, il ne faut toutefois pas perdre de vue que, dans le Nouveau Testament, ces deux aspects sont très étroitement liés. Raymond Winling offre dans cet ouvrage un examen détaillé précisément de la conception du Salut telle qu'elle se dégage du Nouveau Testament. Son parcours s'ouvre par un rappel de la situation où se trouve l'annonce du salut depuis le XVIIIe siècle et jusqu'à nos jours. C'est ainsi toute la question christologique qui est examinée attentivement, tant la personne du Christ, son mystère propre, que l'œuvre de salut qu'il est venu accomplir par sa mort et sa résurrection. Aussi bien l'auteur ne laisse dans l'ombre aucune zone du Nouveau Testament. Fort d'une documentation solide sur les études historiques de nature à éclairer les enjeux de ce débat, il met son lecteur en possession d'un dossier aussi exhaustif que passionnant pour méditer sur le mystère central de l'économie chrétienne.
Even if one usually sees Christology as a doctrine built around the person of Christ, and soteriology, as defined by scholastic theology as a doctrine of redemption - or, a more modern definition - a doctrine involving the salvation procured by Jesus Christ, one must nevertheless bear in mind that, in the New Testament, these two facets are very closely linked. In this book, Raymond Winling presents a detailed examination of the concept of Salvation as it emerges from the New Testament. He begins with a reminder of the reception of the announcement of Salvation from 18th century up to the present day. Thus the entire Christological question is closely examined, as much the person of Christ and his own mystery as the work of Salvation he came to achieve through his death and resurrection. In the same way, the author examines the New Testament, leaving no shadowy zones. Armed with substantial documentation of historical studies capable of revealing the magnitude of the debate, he provides the reader with a dossier as exhaustive as it is fascinating, to meditate on the central mystery of the Christian economy.
Even if one usually sees Christology as a doctrine built around the person of Christ, and soteriology, as defined by scholastic theology as a doctrine of redemption - or, a more modern definition - a doctrine involving the salvation procured by Jesus Christ, one must nevertheless bear in mind that, in the New Testament, these two facets are very closely linked. In this book, Raymond Winling presents a detailed examination of the concept of Salvation as it emerges from the New Testament. He begins with a reminder of the reception of the announcement of Salvation from 18th century up to the present day. Thus the entire Christological question is closely examined, as much the person of Christ and his own mystery as the work of Salvation he came to achieve through his death and resurrection. In the same way, the author examines the New Testament, leaving no shadowy zones. Armed with substantial documentation of historical studies capable of revealing the magnitude of the debate, he provides the reader with a dossier as exhaustive as it is fascinating, to meditate on the central mystery of the Christian economy.
- Dimensions : 145x235x26
- ISBN : 9782204083379
- Poids : 770 grammes
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