Jésus, un homme... et puis ?
Collection Théologies
112 pages - janv. 2005
Jésus de Nazareth a laissé dans l'histoire des hommes une trace indélébile. En forme de point d'interrogation : qu'ont vu ceux et celles qui l'ont croisé sur les chemins de Palestine ? Un homme. Quelques-uns se sont mis à sa suite. Ils se sont laissé interroger par le mystère de cet homme. Jésus sollicitait cette démarche : « Pour vous, qui suis-je ? » Jean-Pierre Bagot, à son tour, se risque à la réponse. Disons plutôt : se laisse interroger. Il raconte : « Un de mes premiers souvenirs d'enfant est celui d'une image de "pietà" qui me bouleversait et devant laquelle je ne cessais d'interroger ma mère : pourquoi cet homme couronné d'épines dans les bras de sa mère ? Je voulais comprendre. Proche du terme de ma vie, je continue à m'interroger : qui donc es-tu, Jésus ? Es-tu celui auquel je rêve de parler du fond du cœur, sans voile, sans masque, celui qui me révélera à moi-même ? Es-tu vraiment vivant, présent, agissant au cœur de ma vie d'homme, ou n'es-tu qu'illusion, projection de mes attentes d'homme qu'angoissent la perception de ses limites et la perspective de sa mort ? C'est sur fond de cette question que je me suis ouvert au drame du monde. Je voulais m'assurer que ma question avait un sens [...] Toujours, dans mes rencontres, mes lectures, mes écrits, mes voyages, j'ai cherché. » Jean-Pierre Bagot partage ici sa culture, son érudition, la vivacité de son intelligence, son sens de la vie. Sa démarche est rigoureuse, son essai tonique. Son goût du questionnement et du dialogue est contagieux. Au lecteur, à son tour, de se laisser entraîner...
Jesus of Nazareth has left an indelible trace in the history of mankind. But what did the men and women whose paths crossed his, in Palestine, actually see? A man. Some of them even decided to follow him. They asked themselves questions about the mystery around this man. And Jesus invited them to do so: 'Who do you say I am?' Jean-Pierre Bagot attempts to reply. Or should we say he asks himself the question. He writes, "One of my first childhood memories is that of a 'pieta' which had a powerful effect on me. I asked my mother constantly why this man with a crown of thorns on his head was lying in his mother's arms. I wanted to understand. Now near the end of my life, I continue to ask, who are you, Jesus? Are you the man I dream of speaking to, from the bottom of my heart, without disguise, hiding nothing? Are you the man who will reveal myself to me? Are you really alive, present, active at the centre of my life, or are you only an illusion, a projection of man's anguished hopes at the perception of his mortality, and the prospect of his own death? It was in contemplation of this question that I opened myself up to the tragedy of the world. I wanted to be sure that my question had a meaning (...) At all times - in the people I meet, the books I read, in my writing, my travels - I am searching." In this book, Jean-Pierre Bagot shares his culture, his learning, the vivacity of his mind and the meaning he gives to life. His rigorous approach makes for a dynamic essay. His predilection for questioning and dialogue is so contagious that readers will certainly want to follow his example...
Jesus of Nazareth has left an indelible trace in the history of mankind. But what did the men and women whose paths crossed his, in Palestine, actually see? A man. Some of them even decided to follow him. They asked themselves questions about the mystery around this man. And Jesus invited them to do so: 'Who do you say I am?' Jean-Pierre Bagot attempts to reply. Or should we say he asks himself the question. He writes, "One of my first childhood memories is that of a 'pieta' which had a powerful effect on me. I asked my mother constantly why this man with a crown of thorns on his head was lying in his mother's arms. I wanted to understand. Now near the end of my life, I continue to ask, who are you, Jesus? Are you the man I dream of speaking to, from the bottom of my heart, without disguise, hiding nothing? Are you the man who will reveal myself to me? Are you really alive, present, active at the centre of my life, or are you only an illusion, a projection of man's anguished hopes at the perception of his mortality, and the prospect of his own death? It was in contemplation of this question that I opened myself up to the tragedy of the world. I wanted to be sure that my question had a meaning (...) At all times - in the people I meet, the books I read, in my writing, my travels - I am searching." In this book, Jean-Pierre Bagot shares his culture, his learning, the vivacity of his mind and the meaning he gives to life. His rigorous approach makes for a dynamic essay. His predilection for questioning and dialogue is so contagious that readers will certainly want to follow his example...
- Dimensions : 135x215x8
- ISBN : 9782204076364
- Poids : 168 grammes
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