Encyclopédie : Jésus le Christ chez saint Thomas d'Aquin
de Jean-Pierre Torrell , Thomas d'Aquin
Collection Œuvres de saint Thomas d'Aquin
1472 pages - nov. 2008
Traduction intégrale de la plus importante synthèse christologique jamais écrite par un théologien et maître spirituel, un monument à l'intérieur et au cœur de la « Somme de théologie » dont la majesté et la force la font comparer à juste titre aux cathédrales. La traduction, précisément annotée, est éclairée par 24 études de « Données historiques et doctrinales » d'une grande clarté, dont certaines se déploient en plusieurs chapitres. Ces études montrent comment saint Thomas noue ensemble la réflexion spéculative et la documentation positive pour une juste intelligence du mystère du Christ. Elles montrent le lien étroit qui existe entre la personne divine de Jésus et l'œuvre de salut qu'il accomplit dans son humanité, alors qu'après saint Thomas on n'aura de cesse de dissocier divers traités de la théologie, en parlant de la grâce sans lien avec l'œuvre du Christ, de sa résurrection sans rien dire de sa valeur de salut, de l'union hypostatique sans souligner que là se trouve l'explication dernière de l'œuvre rédemptrice et qu'on enseigne ailleurs sous le nom de sotériologie. L'unité de tout cela chez Thomas donne l'harmonie et la force convaincante de son Traité. Ces études montrent aussi combien par sa culture et ses méthodes de travail saint Thomas est un très grand connaisseur de la Tradition : il connaît excellemment les premiers Conciles œcuméniques et les Pères grecs de l'Église dont il a reçu des notions techniques. Lire saint Thomas, ce n'est donc pas seulement retrouver Augustin, Léon ou Grégoire le Grand, c'est aussi se mettre à l'école d'Athanase et de Cyrille d'Alexandrie, de Maxime le Confesseur et de Jean Damascène. Sont données, en troisième partie de ce volume, les introductions et la traduction de 50 textes tirés d'autres parties de l'œuvre de Thomas, qui permettent de découvrir d'autres développements de sa christologie et de l'enseignement spirituel du Maître.
The unabridged translation of the most important Christological synthesis ever written by a theologian and spiritual master, a monument within - and at the heart of - the ‘Summa theologiae’, whose majesty and force have, quite justifiably, inspired some to compare it to the cathedrals. This translation, annotated with precision, is illuminated by 24 extremely clear studies of ‘historical and doctrinal contexts’ some of which cover several chapters. They show how Saint Thomas combines speculative reflection and positive documentation to achieve an accurate intelligence of the mystery of Christ. They also show the close link between the divine person of Jesus and the redeeming work he accomplished as a human being. According to Saint Thomas, we are constantly disassociating different theological treatises: speaking of grace without linking it to the work of Christ; or of the resurrection without mentioning the value of salvation; of the hypostatic union without stressing that the ultimate explanation of the redeeming work lies therein, forming the discipline called soteriology. In Thomas’s writings, the unity in all these things creates harmony and the driving force of his Treatise. But these studies also reveal that Saint Thomas, through his knowledge and his methods, is a great connoisseur of Tradition: he has vast intelligence of the first ecumenical Councils and the Greek Fathers of the Church, whose techniques were passed on to him. To read Saint Thomas is not only to rediscover Augustine, Leo or Gregory the Great; it is also to learn from Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria, Maximus the Confessor and John of Damascus. In the third part of this book, readers will discover the introductions to and translations of 50 texts taken from other parts of Thomas’s work, which lead on to other developments of his Christology, revealing the spiritual instruction of a great master.
The unabridged translation of the most important Christological synthesis ever written by a theologian and spiritual master, a monument within - and at the heart of - the ‘Summa theologiae’, whose majesty and force have, quite justifiably, inspired some to compare it to the cathedrals. This translation, annotated with precision, is illuminated by 24 extremely clear studies of ‘historical and doctrinal contexts’ some of which cover several chapters. They show how Saint Thomas combines speculative reflection and positive documentation to achieve an accurate intelligence of the mystery of Christ. They also show the close link between the divine person of Jesus and the redeeming work he accomplished as a human being. According to Saint Thomas, we are constantly disassociating different theological treatises: speaking of grace without linking it to the work of Christ; or of the resurrection without mentioning the value of salvation; of the hypostatic union without stressing that the ultimate explanation of the redeeming work lies therein, forming the discipline called soteriology. In Thomas’s writings, the unity in all these things creates harmony and the driving force of his Treatise. But these studies also reveal that Saint Thomas, through his knowledge and his methods, is a great connoisseur of Tradition: he has vast intelligence of the first ecumenical Councils and the Greek Fathers of the Church, whose techniques were passed on to him. To read Saint Thomas is not only to rediscover Augustine, Leo or Gregory the Great; it is also to learn from Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria, Maximus the Confessor and John of Damascus. In the third part of this book, readers will discover the introductions to and translations of 50 texts taken from other parts of Thomas’s work, which lead on to other developments of his Christology, revealing the spiritual instruction of a great master.
- Dimensions : 180x230x45
- ISBN : 9782204087209
- Poids : 1610 grammes
Jésus Christ dans l'histoire humaine et le mystère de Dieu
Essai de christologie
de Michel Fédou
616 pages - mars 2024