Le Temps : énigme des hommes, mystère de Dieu - CF 250
Collection Cogitatio Fidei - N° 250
392 pages - sept. 2006
« Le livre que nous présentons ici au lecteur français est héritier des évolutions opérées dans la réflexion sur le temps au cours des derniers siècles. Il reprend cette réflexion dans une perspective théologique. Le lien établi entre la question du temps et la logique de la modernité indique l'orientation de l'ouvrage. Il ne s'agit pas de privilégier l'aspect spéculatif de cette question, mais son incidence sur l'existence concrète des hommes et des femmes. Attentif aux interrogations soulevées par la postmodernité, et inspirées par la recherche de Ricœur – en particulier dans "Temps et récit" –, le problème temporel est étudié à partir de la narrativité. Cependant, à la différence des théologiens qui ont proposé pareille démarche, nous n'avons pas commencé par la lecture narrative des écrits bibliques ni par l'analyse des principaux traits des récits qui ont donné naissance au monde moderne. Nous partons de quelques textes qui racontent notre propre culture, la culture brésilienne, proposant ensuite d'entendre la narration des Écritures. Nous croyons que ce type de procédé nous offre non seulement une façon d'inculturer notre propre réflexion, mais aussi un moyen de la partager avec d'autres, la rendant passible d'universalisation justement par sa particularité. [...] Il ne reste donc plus au lecteur qu'à entreprendre cette lecture théologique du temps. Notre souhait est que ce qui est ici proposé puisse susciter d'autres tentatives d'interprétation d'une problématique qui, depuis toujours, a intrigué et fasciné tant d'hommes et de femmes, les aidant à donner sens à leurs existences et les remettant à l'Unique qui, les ayant faits temporels, les a appelés à trouver dans le temps des raisons pour parvenir à la plénitude. » (G. Luiz de Mori)
‘The book we are presenting here, to the French reader, is the beneficiary of the evolution of reflections on the theme of time over the last few centuries. It resumes this reflection from a theological perspective. The link established between the question of time and the logic of modernity indicates the work’s orientation. Our aim is not to favour the speculative aspect of the question, rather its effect on the practical existence of men and women. Attentive to the questions raised by Post-modernity, and inspired by Ricoeur’s research – ‘Temps et récit’ in particular - we have studied the temporal problematic starting from narrativity. However, unlike theologians who have proposed a similar approach, we have not begun with a narrative reading of Biblical writings, nor with an analysis of the main outlines of those accounts which gave birth to the modern world. We have chosen to begin with certain texts that recount our own culture, the Brazilian culture, only then proposing the narration of the Scriptures. We believe that this procedure offers us not only a way of de-culturing our own reflection, but also a means of sharing it with others, rendering it suitable for universalization precisely because of its specificity. […] It only remains for the reader to undertake this theological reading of time. We hope that what is presented here might inspire other attempts to interpret a problematic that has always intrigued and fascinated countless men and women, enabling them to make sense of their existence and restoring them to the One who, having made them temporal, called them to find, within time, reasons to achieve plenitude.’ (G. Luiz de Mori)
‘The book we are presenting here, to the French reader, is the beneficiary of the evolution of reflections on the theme of time over the last few centuries. It resumes this reflection from a theological perspective. The link established between the question of time and the logic of modernity indicates the work’s orientation. Our aim is not to favour the speculative aspect of the question, rather its effect on the practical existence of men and women. Attentive to the questions raised by Post-modernity, and inspired by Ricoeur’s research – ‘Temps et récit’ in particular - we have studied the temporal problematic starting from narrativity. However, unlike theologians who have proposed a similar approach, we have not begun with a narrative reading of Biblical writings, nor with an analysis of the main outlines of those accounts which gave birth to the modern world. We have chosen to begin with certain texts that recount our own culture, the Brazilian culture, only then proposing the narration of the Scriptures. We believe that this procedure offers us not only a way of de-culturing our own reflection, but also a means of sharing it with others, rendering it suitable for universalization precisely because of its specificity. […] It only remains for the reader to undertake this theological reading of time. We hope that what is presented here might inspire other attempts to interpret a problematic that has always intrigued and fascinated countless men and women, enabling them to make sense of their existence and restoring them to the One who, having made them temporal, called them to find, within time, reasons to achieve plenitude.’ (G. Luiz de Mori)
- Dimensions : 135x215x25
- ISBN : 9782204080866
- Poids : 510 grammes
Avec la collaboration de : Christoph Theobald
Dogmatique III–2 : Cosmologie théologique. Théologique de la création
de Gérard Siegwalt
512 pages - mars 2000
Destin, prédestination, destinée
176 pages - oct. 1995