L'Âge du renoncement
Collection La Nuit surveillée
304 pages - févr. 2011
La religion, qui a irrigué la culture occidentale pendant deux mille ans, perd son influence sur tous les plans. La chrétienté ne se retire pas seule, mais avec elle ses fruits sécularisés, qui constituaient une architecture signifiante. Quel est le destin de notre représentation du monde à l'orée de cet effacement ? Certains désignent le relativisme, voire le nihilisme, qui s'instaurent dans l'oubli des référents fondateurs. Ce livre veut montrer que le nihilisme n'est qu'une brève transition, que le relativisme reflète une apparence. L'époque présente atteste plutôt la réinstauration de modes d'être et de pensée comparables à ceux qui précédèrent l'Occident chrétien et à ceux qui se déploient partout hors l'Occident chrétien : des sagesses et des paganismes, déjà à l'œuvre sous la texture déchirée de nos anciennes convictions, transcendantes ou immanentes. Ces sagesses se nourrissent de renoncement, lequel forme aujourd'hui l'essentielle disposition de notre esprit. Renoncement à la quête de la vérité, renoncement au progrès, à la royauté de l'homme, à la liberté personnelle. Les conséquences en sont, par un lent processus, le remplacement du vrai par le bien, des dogmes par des mythes, du temps fléché par un retour au temps circulaire, du monothéisme par le paganisme ou le panthéisme, de l'humanisme de liberté par un humanisme de protection, de la démocratie par le consensus, de la ferveur par le lâcher prise... C'est une métamorphose radicale, et ce renoncement est un retournement, non seulement de nos pensées, mais aussi de nos modes d'être et de nos institutions. Après une histoire de deux mille ans, sous de multiples signes réapparaît l'appel à une résignation sereine dont les hommes sans Dieu n'ont jamais cessé de rêver.
Religion, which has nourished western culture for two thousand years, is now losing its influence in every respect. Christianity is making its retreat, but not alone; with it vanish its secularized constructions, a considerable edifice. What will our representation of the world become in the wake of this disappearance? Some say that relativism, even nihilism, have already invaded the space left by our forgotten founding references. This book shows that nihilism is brief and transitional; and relativism merely a reflection of appearances. Today’s world resembles more a restoration of ways of being and thinking, comparable to those that preceded the Christian West and still thrive outside its boundaries: various forms of wisdom and paganism, transcendent or immanent, are already at work beneath the torn fabric of our former convictions. These forms of wisdom feed on renunciation, which today makes up the essential disposition of our minds. Renunciation of the quest for truth, renunciation of progress, of the kingdom of man and of personal freedom. The consequences of that renunciation are the gradual replacement of the true by the agreeable, of dogmas by myths, of horizontal time by a return to the cycle, of monotheism by paganism or pantheism, of free humanism by a protective humanism, of democracy by consensus, of fervour by abandon... The metamorphosis is radical, and this renunciation is a reversal not only of our thoughts but also of our way of living and our institutions. After two thousand years of history, the call for serene resignation, of which Godless men have always dreamed, is being heard in many forms.
Religion, which has nourished western culture for two thousand years, is now losing its influence in every respect. Christianity is making its retreat, but not alone; with it vanish its secularized constructions, a considerable edifice. What will our representation of the world become in the wake of this disappearance? Some say that relativism, even nihilism, have already invaded the space left by our forgotten founding references. This book shows that nihilism is brief and transitional; and relativism merely a reflection of appearances. Today’s world resembles more a restoration of ways of being and thinking, comparable to those that preceded the Christian West and still thrive outside its boundaries: various forms of wisdom and paganism, transcendent or immanent, are already at work beneath the torn fabric of our former convictions. These forms of wisdom feed on renunciation, which today makes up the essential disposition of our minds. Renunciation of the quest for truth, renunciation of progress, of the kingdom of man and of personal freedom. The consequences of that renunciation are the gradual replacement of the true by the agreeable, of dogmas by myths, of horizontal time by a return to the cycle, of monotheism by paganism or pantheism, of free humanism by a protective humanism, of democracy by consensus, of fervour by abandon... The metamorphosis is radical, and this renunciation is a reversal not only of our thoughts but also of our way of living and our institutions. After two thousand years of history, the call for serene resignation, of which Godless men have always dreamed, is being heard in many forms.
- Dimensions : 135x215x22
- ISBN : 9782204095136
- Poids : 400 grammes
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